More cuts just announced


In your email, just announced closing of the Chicago BC and the elimination of supporting staff. Only "Area Centers" to remain are Willmington and Phoenix. Didn't say how many people but assuming it's everyone who works in that building....


In your email, just announced closing of the Chicago BC and the elimination of supporting staff. Only "Area Centers" to remain are Willmington and Phoenix. Didn't say how many people but assuming it's everyone who works in that building....
This is long overdue eliminating a huge waste of money. These offices sit empty 90% of the time and ACs sitting around playing on the internet, doing personal business, and stalling until it is time to go home. Why do we need area centers when all decisions are made in HQ?
AZ has become strictly top down management, just do as your told and don't think for yourself. The new company looks nothing like the company after the merger and the culture has done a 180 from, "We will be a company where everyone's opinion will be sought and respected. A company where risk taking is rewarded not punished." Instead, we have rank and yank pitting everyone against everyone else and leadership is given a whip and is expected to use it with gusto or they will be replaced by someone who will. One positive though, there are now 30% fewer of them.

In your email, just announced closing of the Chicago BC and the elimination of supporting staff. Only "Area Centers" to remain are Willmington and Phoenix. Didn't say how many people but assuming it's everyone who works in that building....

There's nothing in the BC anymore. One of the RSD's works from home, and there is virtually no staff there at all.

This is long overdue eliminating a huge waste of money. These offices sit empty 90% of the time and ACs sitting around playing on the internet, doing personal business, and stalling until it is time to go home. Why do we need area centers when all decisions are made in HQ?
AZ has become strictly top down management, just do as your told and don't think for yourself. The new company looks nothing like the company after the merger and the culture has done a 180 from, "We will be a company where everyone's opinion will be sought and respected. A company where risk taking is rewarded not punished." Instead, we have rank and yank pitting everyone against everyone else and leadership is given a whip and is expected to use it with gusto or they will be replaced by someone who will. One positive though, there are now 30% fewer of them.

OMG it took this long to figure out Chicago BC is a waste. No wonder your fked that is going to blow out the affirmative action numbers. If i were a blk I would put my resume into Dallas or Phx