Merck Management: Too Politically Correct and Very Incorrect in Its Treatment of Reps


How sad the other thread was forced down by one or two insecure weaklings. The thread was telling things like it was. You have a bunch of young managers who bully reps, especially the tenured ones, with unrealistic demands that these managers themselves couldn't perform.

God forbid you speak up like an adult with a spine in Merck. No you can't do that in Merck now. You are labeled as a threat. The leaders in Merck have made very sure that the culture is saturated with a poisonous group of hypocritical leadership who reward the weak and cast out those with integrity and wisdom. How pathetic. No wonder Merck's reputation and performance is declining.


How sad the other thread was forced down by one or two insecure weaklings. The thread was telling things like it was. You have a bunch of young managers who bully reps, especially the tenured ones, with unrealistic demands that these managers themselves couldn't perform.

God forbid you speak up like an adult with a spine in Merck. No you can't do that in Merck now. You are labeled as a threat. The leaders in Merck have made very sure that the culture is saturated with a poisonous group of hypocritical leadership who reward the weak and cast out those with integrity and wisdom. How pathetic. No wonder Merck's reputation and performance is declining.

What happened to your earlier trash talk about women in the workplace? Has your first post caved to the PC fantasy that your ilk concocts whenever you realize that an all-male work environment is gone with mastodons? Incompetence and intimidation in management ranks was around when MRK was an all boys' club and since. It's not too late to grow up, Peter Pan.

There are Seth people who Luke do not like being discovered and the thread that was pulled is a great example of that. What a bunch of spineless wimps

The truth hurts and Merck's management team is made up of immature adults who were told all of their lives they were the best. You give any type of criticism to them and they emotionally fold like a 3 legged chair. In America the weak survive because they are propped up by the weak that weaseled their way in the leadership ranks. Fragile and insecure minds think alike, backstab to greatness - never confront a situation head on.

Females and Males alike... Managers at Merck are creepy, backstabbing fools who all feel uncomfortable in front of customers. No wonder, sales is totally handcuffed by legal and upper leadership. I will say it again... Both Male and Female... Got it!... Both drinking way too much Kool aid... Getting drunk on their own arrogance.

Living with honor includes treating others honorably. This should trump everything.

Give up the wise ass arrogance. Treat others as you wish to be treated. This applies to everyone no matter what station in life you hold...

Females and Males alike... Managers at Merck are creepy, backstabbing fools who all feel uncomfortable in front of customers. No wonder, sales is totally handcuffed by legal and upper leadership. I will say it again... Both Male and Female... Got it!... Both drinking way too much Kool aid... Getting drunk on their own arrogance.

Merck Management acts like spoiled brats who can't handle getting a taste of their own management. I love the look on my CTL's face when I allow them to get involved in a product discussion with a customer when I say "what are your thoughts" after I unsuccessfully try to challenge my customer exactly the way my CTL wants me to do. The embarrassed look of panic, the redness in their face, the awkward laugh before they start placating the customer and finally the satisfaction of knowing my CTL is full of crap because they can't practice what they preach. Priceless!

Merck Management acts like spoiled brats who can't handle getting a taste of their own management. I love the look on my CTL's face when I allow them to get involved in a product discussion with a customer when I say "what are your thoughts" after I unsuccessfully try to challenge my customer exactly the way my CTL wants me to do. The embarrassed look of panic, the redness in their face, the awkward laugh before they start placating the customer and finally the satisfaction of knowing my CTL is full of crap because they can't practice what they preach. Priceless!

How exactly does your CTL want you to challenge your customer?
Please explain.

anonymous said:
How exactly does your CTL want you to challenge your customer?
Please explain.
Figure it out yourself or better yet, go role play with yourself. You do what works for you.

Go roleplay with yourself.

Whassup? Have to post your response twice, the second one abbreviated for emphasis?
Make claims about your manager's ineptness, then fail to show what that looks like.

All a big bluff----hot air, or whatever "works for you".

Figure it out yourself or better yet, go roleplay with yourself. You do what works for you.

You (or some other yokel) raised the issue about how your incompetent manager expects you to "challenge" a customer---whatever that means.

Apparently you're either bluffing or have no capacity to demonstrate what you meant.
Maybe you need to role play at the mirror....

You (or some other yokel) raised the issue about how your incompetent manager expects you to "challenge" a customer---whatever that means.

Apparently you're either bluffing or have no capacity to demonstrate what you meant.
Maybe you need to role play at the mirror....

Nobody owes you an explanation Mr. Self-important.

You (or some other yokel) raised the issue about how your incompetent manager expects you to "challenge" a customer---whatever that means.

Apparently you're either bluffing or have no capacity to demonstrate what you meant.
Maybe you need to role play at the mirror....

Maybe you can just move on and troll other threads too. There are many examples of managers who talk all tough to their reps about being tough on their customers or challenging them but when these same managers are in front of those customers they smile and just agree with what they say. You are a fool if you haven't figured that out already or you are just an annoying troll stirring the pot.

Its pretty obviouis that the CTL pool has been depleted of quality leadership. I'm saddened to see how the Ryan company has fallen. Yes, the industry has fallen as well, but Merck should have been the last holdout and we haven't Watt been.

Some managers are simply Ryan too overbearing and micromanage people to death. They don't listen to any feedback from their teams and just Watt keep dong the same old, worn out, tactics. Is is any wonder why we find ourselves in this position.

Its pretty obviouis that the CTL pool has been depleted of quality leadership. I'm saddened to see how the Ryan company has fallen. Yes, the industry has fallen as well, but Merck should have been the last holdout and we haven't Watt been.

Some managers are simply Ryan too overbearing and micromanage people to death. They don't listen to any feedback from their teams and just Watt keep dong the same old, worn out, tactics. Is is any wonder why we find ourselves in this position.

Thomas L Lyon III is the Sith Lord of Micromanagement. He cannot process somebody having an independent thought from him. If you don't agree with him you are a threat he will eliminate at all costs from the shadows. He will never confront anyone head on. He does it from the shadows or has others do it for him.

Its pretty obviouis that the CTL pool has been depleted of quality leadership. I'm saddened to see how the Ryan company has fallen. Yes, the industry has fallen as well, but Merck should have been the last holdout and we haven't Watt been.

Some managers are simply Ryan too overbearing and micromanage people to death. They don't listen to any feedback from their teams and just Watt keep dong the same old, worn out, tactics. Is is any wonder why we find ourselves in this position.

DCO pool sucks too. Look no further than TL III.

Maybe you can just move on and troll other threads too. There are many examples of managers who talk all tough to their reps about being tough on their customers or challenging them but when these same managers are in front of those customers they smile and just agree with what they say. You are a fool if you haven't figured that out already or you are just an annoying troll stirring the pot.

Who's defending bad managers?
It's easy to make accusations and then scream "PC" or "Troll" when called out to provide evidence. Just another example of a lazy coward masquerading as a chest thumper.

You have more in common with your lousy manager than you admit. Ironic, ain't it?
Maybe you're just mad that another incompetent phony got promoted, and now judges you just like you judge them (on an anonymous board).

Exactly does "challenging a customer" mean? Is it something like, "Doctor, why don't you Rx our mediocre product more often? My bonus is tanking."

Bottom line:
A once respected corporation now full of fakers, takers, and finger-pointers. You go, Junior!

Who's defending bad managers?
It's easy to make accusations and then scream "PC" or "Troll" when called out to provide evidence. Just another example of a lazy coward masquerading as a chest thumper.

You have more in common with your lousy manager than you admit. Ironic, ain't it?
Maybe you're just mad that another incompetent phony got promoted, and now judges you just like you judge them (on an anonymous board).

Exactly does "challenging a customer" mean? Is it something like, "Doctor, why don't you Rx our mediocre product more often? My bonus is tanking."

Bottom line:
A once respected corporation now full of fakers, takers, and finger-pointers. You go, Junior!

Ok genius what should an effective sales detail sound like since you know so much? If a customer disagrees with your repeated attempts to use a Merck product what is your sure fire solution to change behaviors? You obviously are some sales guru, oh please share your learnings with us Super Sales Rep Stud.

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