Medical Sales or Tech/Software?


26 years old, did really well at ADP for 2 years out of college and I have been in capital/disposable in hospital setting for the past 2 years. I have been wondering lately if I should stay in the medical field with everything going on (mainly reimbursement cuts/hospitals having no money). I have friends in software sales making great money and while I am sure I will be able to make more as I get a few years of medical sales exp under my belt, I am seriously questioning what I should do.

I have seen a few posts on this topic but I figure it cant hurt to ask again. Whats everybody think?


26 years old, did really well at ADP for 2 years out of college and I have been in capital/disposable in hospital setting for the past 2 years. I have been wondering lately if I should stay in the medical field with everything going on (mainly reimbursement cuts/hospitals having no money). I have friends in software sales making great money and while I am sure I will be able to make more as I get a few years of medical sales exp under my belt, I am seriously questioning what I should do.

I have seen a few posts on this topic but I figure it cant hurt to ask again. Whats everybody think?

What are you currently making now? Where do you want to be money wise? There is money in both industries so there's no easy answer. At the end of the day, do what you enjoy more than anything and the money will come.

I'd say stick with medical device sales just because going into a new industry is probably more difficult than you think. Just make sure you have the right tools like a CRM or mapping tool for your daily needs. Badger Maps is a popular one that my colleagues use but I swear by Map My Customers because I get the same features at a better price.

26 years old, did really well at ADP for 2 years out of college and I have been in capital/disposable in hospital setting for the past 2 years. I have been wondering lately if I should stay in the medical field with everything going on (mainly reimbursement cuts/hospitals having no money). I have friends in software sales making great money and while I am sure I will be able to make more as I get a few years of medical sales exp under my belt, I am seriously questioning what I should do.

I have seen a few posts on this topic but I figure it cant hurt to ask again. Whats everybody think?

I would definitely get into software/tech sales if you can. I know people who in each industry on the sales side. Tech has more career growth opportunities, and way more money than most device jobs once you are established.