Mayo Medical Labs


The epitome of disorganized.

The fearless leader of the sales force (John Heywood) has never managed people before. He has no idea what kind of culture he wants to promote. The sales force is completely demoralized by the lack of support and the hierarchy of the organization holding us back.

Why hire smart, experienced people if you're going to ignore their ability to contribute to processes? When somebody says they need something, just say "We don't have that... yet!" Telling someone that's not their job is like telling them to shut up.

We've been part of successful companies and not successful companies, we know what good looks like. Smart people eventually figure out this organization is not so smart and they will learn nothing here = high turnover.

Mayo hired the sales force before they were ready to put us in front of doctors. Instead you get to live in the lab where you can't move business until the primary contracts expire in 2-3 years. And you get to analyze utilization reports hoping to find leakage.... That's all there is for you to do unless your counterparts are already doing that for you.... My point - this won't help you reach your quota!

There are no draw sites for Mayo so patients have to go to the nearest hospital to get a Mayo test performed. Good Luck with the markup on that bill!

And good luck getting the test results doc! Sorry the hospital has to send all of that to you...

Ask a simple question like what's in a Berry Box? and you will get this confused look on everybody's face, because apparently nobody knows what's in a berry box!!!

God forbid an account asks you for a Grand Rounds speaker.... you get to tell them - nope sorry your hospital is not a primary account so we can't support you.
"But you're the Mayo Clinic..." I know! Apparently your hospital isn't important enough doc!
I know we have all kinds of great info and experience since we are the Mayo Clinic but we just can't share because we only make time for the accounts that matter to us. AND we'll need to schedule that 9 months in advance... if we can get that approved for you. I will also need a hair and saliva sample from you!

You get 9 months to figure out why you took the job and should I stay or should I go?
But it's the MAYO CLINIC!!! (Golden Handcuffs)

Tips for the interview:
1) Ask about their training program
Run when they giggle about your question
(There is no training which is unbelievable since it's the Mayo Clinic?!) Yup I said it...

2) Ask about the starting salary range and how many hires actually get hired in that range
3) How often do they restructure territories?
4) How many people will I be reporting to? and how frequently?
5) How do you measure reps success? Is there a CRM?

Good luck, be prepared for immense frustration and constant questions with 10 different answers! It's the Mayo way...