March 31 base salary increases for everyone?

Ask a manager how easy it is to replace a successful ( year after year ) PSR / SSR at Galderma and most will tell you it's a crap shoot at best . Some new reps excel , many fail hard or become a managers nightmare to manage out .

It's a lesson Galderma higher ups appear determined to learn the hard way , as apart from the goofy experiment called Medisci division ( total joke salesforce ) the other Rx divisions have their backs against the wall to deliver their over the top numbers . Loosing good people mid year will kill the goal .

Just give your better people a decent mid year raise and keep them focused on driving the business instead of interviewing and leaving Galderma . Many producers have left , many more will follow .

Ask a manager how easy it is to replace a successful ( year after year ) PSR / SSR at Galderma and most will tell you it's a crap shoot at best . Some new reps excel , many fail hard or become a managers nightmare to manage out .

It's a lesson Galderma higher ups appear determined to learn the hard way , as apart from the goofy experiment called Medisci division ( total joke salesforce ) the other Rx divisions have their backs against the wall to deliver their over the top numbers . Loosing good people mid year will kill the goal .

Just give your better people a decent mid year raise and keep them focused on driving the business instead of interviewing and leaving Galderma . Many producers have left , many more will follow .

It won't happen. So stop. Those of us Ruth reasonable tenure are marketable to such significantly higher salaries elsewhere it's simply a timing game. They know it so they're not going to waste money!!!

Ask a manager how easy it is to replace a successful ( year after year ) PSR / SSR at Galderma and most will tell you it's a crap shoot at best . Some new reps excel , many fail hard or become a managers nightmare to manage out .

It's a lesson Galderma higher ups appear determined to learn the hard way , as apart from the goofy experiment called Medisci division ( total joke salesforce ) the other Rx divisions have their backs against the wall to deliver their over the top numbers . Loosing good people mid year will kill the goal .

Just give your better people a decent mid year raise and keep them focused on driving the business instead of interviewing and leaving Galderma . Many producers have left , many more will follow .

Very true, but you are wasting your breath hoping they change things. The other thing to consider even if you match your new salary at your new job at most companies you will have a much better chance of actually achieving goal and thus making bonus. The goals here are silly based on the products and market place we compete in. Furthermore, you do not want to be interviewing with well below AVQ. The next company may not understand that you had silly expectations, so I am glad I have already moved on and have a new start date with the new opportunity. There is really not that much to "drive " here from a business perspective.

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