Low Performers & InVentiv reps walk the plank!!


By June, these will be the ones walking the plank blindfolded with a sword at the back until ::::KA-SPLOOSH!!::::

Wow!! This is craziness!

Low performers? Are these the people with bad formulary situations and don't have Tourette's Syndrome - always barking the company Kool Aid?

I am always amused by drug reps with an elevated level of self importance. Let the hunger games begin...

Low performance has nothing to do with layoffs. I was switch to new bag after rep left in June, She had not worked in 4 months due to maternity leave. Now I am judged for a territory I worked 3 months. I asked yesterday and was told that was correct. I asked an attorney and he said to make sure i GOT ALL reasons in writing and that they agree I was not working territory the full time that Merck used to make evaluations.

Low 2013 A/D means fast track to the junk heap! Question is do those in the junk heap get sent to Siberia as a punishment for a crappy deck, lousy partner and tanking managed care?

Deliberating......package or wait on the hot seat?

Low performers? Are these the people with bad formulary situations and don't have Tourette's Syndrome - always barking the company Kool Aid?

I am always amused by drug reps with an elevated level of self importance. Let the hunger games begin...

The hunger games have been in full swing for several years.

I would like to see in writing the exact process Merck uses once they obtain data from IMS. I do know IMS data is not over 75% correct. They use a formula to smooth the data. Ever wonder why weeklys and monthly numbers are never close to being the same? This is nothing more than a Rubic Cube process. This what you get when attorney's run your business.

The InVentiv folks are probably the easiest to give the old heave-ho to!

Terminate the contract and that's it...no other headaches to deal with like the disposal process with the regular Merckies.

Economically, this makes no sense. You are thinking like a typical Rx rep, a soon extinct position. The days of paying customer service reps over 100K are quickly coming to an end.

Low performance has nothing to do with layoffs. I was switch to new bag after rep left in June, She had not worked in 4 months due to maternity leave. Now I am judged for a territory I worked 3 months. I asked yesterday and was told that was correct. I asked an attorney and he said to make sure i GOT ALL reasons in writing and that they agree I was not working territory the full time that Merck used to make evaluations.
My friend, Merck could care less about you and your attorney. Don't hold your breath while waiting to receive the "…ALL reasons in writing.." In the meantime realize you're putting s target on your back. Your life could become more miserable at Merck than it may already be.

seriously you dumbasses. the whole is pretty much luck. good reps have bad years and bad reps have good years. the quality of rep isnt a primary factor. the primary factor is when the layoffs are announced. are they announced during one of your good years or bad years. its all timing. you can stop with the "best reps stay or get let go". its a complete crapshoot

seriously you dumbasses. the whole is pretty much luck. good reps have bad years and bad reps have good years. the quality of rep isnt a primary factor. the primary factor is when the layoffs are announced. are they announced during one of your good years or bad years. its all timing. you can stop with the "best reps stay or get let go". its a complete crapshoot

AMEN! And, most diabetes reps will average out at a 3 with competencies included. Very few people across the country will have a score below 3 overall. The question is how many primary care reps are they going to keep -- 2 or 3?

AMEN! And, most diabetes reps will average out at a 3 with competencies included. Very few people across the country will have a score below 3 overall. The question is how many primary care reps are they going to keep -- 2 or 3?

2 or 3? Whaaaa?
Howz about one diabetes rep in each account with a mix bag rep as a helper if its needed?

Make decks, doc list smaller, with 100% accountability! NO A/D TEAMS where one works and the other is some fair weather visitor......

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