Lost Civilization Allos Therapeutics


you will all be out of work, AMAG will fire all of you without much severance, that is their pattern. They will use you until they get the info then dump you. Horrible organization and leadership, Run Forest Run

Allos is dead. It was never a civilization. What signify a civilization are a transparent language, culture, and Soveriegn leadership. Allos got "Paulie the barbarian" who provides deceitful rule.

you will all be out of work, AMAG will fire all of you without much severance, that is their pattern. They will use you until they get the info then dump you. Horrible organization and leadership, Run Forest Run

AMAG and ALTH leadership team will need to consolidate. Analyze each territory and eliminate people and services are duplicated or not justified. That is the bottom line.

AMAG and ALTH leadership team will need to consolidate. Analyze each territory and eliminate people and services are duplicated or not justified. That is the bottom line.

We keeping hearing how bad the AMAG leaders are how bad can they be? Leadership here is called blame someone else. No see, no patients,to toxic, and, sell off label to CTCL patients, sell to CD30 to deflect Seagen, sell bridge to Transplant. Ignore the facts and cover up your ass. Services that are not justified are marketing, training, hr, msl, and most of sales and sales managers.

What we know is the Princeton and CO office are closing and that friends of Paul are likely to be retained. The ass kissing is getting silly.

Paul Berns sucks as a leader and really sucks as a person! Think of all the lies he told us at all our company meetings, Paul and his dumb shit kiss ass boys drove this ship a ground and they haven't suffered at all! Wonder when we will get some share holder law suits>??? Get ready Paulie!!

Paul Berns sucks as a leader and really sucks as a person! Think of all the lies he told us at all our company meetings, Paul and his dumb shit kiss ass boys drove this ship a ground and they haven't suffered at all! Wonder when we will get some share holder law suits>??? Get ready Paulie!!

Maybe Paul is the person trying to sell his stock at $1.38 per share? Wait, he owns no stock hes only been given stock. What a 2 faced pathetic loser.

Where is the new home office and why is paul retained?

why? He really is not retained. Paul will have title and salary for 1 year only but he will not be asked for any imput. The deal is already on thin ice because it doesnt make any sense anyway. Never forget this deal is more about Paul cashing in than anything else. Brian recognizes that Paul doesnt bring any skill sets to the newco and the usual thing to do is offer a 1 year deal and then Paul will bow out. The board made a big mistake when they failed to fire Paul after Paul fired Jim. These 2 are attached at the scrotum and it makes no sense to keep either of them. What would have been the worst thing that could have happened if Warburg had decided to fire Berns? Stock has taken a beating under this clueless idiot hope that the director and officer insurance premiums are paid as the lawsuits are lined up.