Live Meetings with a More Contagious Variant


Do the people scheduling these live meetings actually understand and respect science? It is very disrespectful to put us in this position. Why not use technology? You honestly don't think that the need for us to bond is stronger than our desire to protect our own family do you? Don't think for a second that just because you are vaccinated that you are safe.


Do the people scheduling these live meetings actually understand and respect science? It is very disrespectful to put us in this position. Why not use technology? You honestly don't think that the need for us to bond is stronger than our desire to protect our own family do you? Don't think for a second that just because you are vaccinated that you are safe.
AZ doesnt take their own stand. they follow other companies and copy their policies. Ask them about Covid plan and they will only reference other companies!

I can see the media headlines: “AZ demands sales reps stalk MDs to sell more drugs and waste money on dinners programs for hungry nurses (most MDs are not attending).

Seriously, we are sales reps, not front line workers. We can do our jobs virtually, but no. Let’s just put more people in harms way and spread more Covid. But if you get Covid, then they will b pissed u missed a day of work and could give a shit if u wind up being a Covid long hauler.

Is it all just greed or what?

I can see the media headlines: “AZ demands sales reps stalk MDs to sell more drugs and waste money on dinners programs for hungry nurses (most MDs are not attending).

Seriously, we are sales reps, not front line workers. We can do our jobs virtually, but no. Let’s just put more people in harms way and spread more Covid. But if you get Covid, then they will b pissed u missed a day of work and could give a shit if u wind up being a Covid long hauler.

Is it all just greed or what?
My DM is pushing me to meet live and when i refused he threatened me to think of an impact on my salary.... AZ has completely gone out of their minds! He also spoke with me about other big companies asking their people to go out when those companies in reality are delaying their live meetings!!!!!!! AZ is full of these liars!!!!

My DM is pushing me to meet live and when i refused he threatened me to think of an impact on my salary.... AZ has completely gone out of their minds! He also spoke with me about other big companies asking their people to go out when those companies in reality are delaying their live meetings!!!!!!! AZ is full of these liars!!!!
I work in HQ and have the same experience. My manager wants all of us back on 1st Sep. i asked her about the options she said reduced work hours and salary cut!!! I went to HR and got the same response in a harsh tone!! So i am going to risk my life commute more than an hour one way every day to save my job and feed my family. Thanks AZ for your great place to work efforts!!!!!!!!!! If I die on duty please send at least a condolence letter to my family.............

I work in HQ and have the same experience. My manager wants all of us back on 1st Sep. i asked her about the options she said reduced work hours and salary cut!!! I went to HR and got the same response in a harsh tone!! So i am going to risk my life commute more than an hour one way every day to save my job and feed my family. Thanks AZ for your great place to work efforts!!!!!!!!!! If I die on duty please send at least a condolence letter to my family.............
Boo hoo, diaper baby. If you don't like it, get a job closer to your home. It's call free will.

But is the risk real or a hoax… Did you get a vaccine or do you refuse? Do you believe in masks?

If you believe it is a hoax, vaccines aren’t necessary and neither are masks—-take your behind back to the field and quit playing.

If you think it is a hoax, you did get a vaccine but don’t believe in masks—go to work. It is your freedom not to wear a mask.

If you believe it is real, got a vaccine and don’t wear a mask—go to work.Again your freedom to not wear a mask.

If it is real, you didn’t get a vax and dont wear a mask—go to work, this behavior is still your choice.

If it is real, you got a vaccine and wear a mask—-go to work.

But is the risk real or a hoax… Did you get a vaccine or do you refuse? Do you believe in masks?

If you believe it is a hoax, vaccines aren’t necessary and neither are masks—-take your behind back to the field and quit playing.

If you think it is a hoax, you did get a vaccine but don’t believe in masks—go to work. It is your freedom not to wear a mask.

If you believe it is real, got a vaccine and don’t wear a mask—go to work.Again your freedom to not wear a mask.

If it is real, you didn’t get a vax and dont wear a mask—go to work, this behavior is still your choice.

If it is real, you got a vaccine and wear a mask—-go to work.
I don't think you understand the science. The masks and vaccines eliminate the risk to some extent, but they don't prevent it. Any new variant doesn't go away quickly and it takes a few years just to reduce the risk. If you get infected, it stays with you for quite a few years and we don't know what impact it'll have on human bodies long term.

You're clearly either sales or HR. For your information, I am epidemiologist and not in the business of talking profits. Unfortunately people like you are only sales focused. You don't understand science and don't talk science either. That's why you are only fixing lunches for doctors and making money. I am in AZ to talk science and live science. I've been hired for my education to say the right things. And you've been here to serve meals. Thank you for your great advice, but I didn't ask for it and this shows how ignorant you are.

I don't think you understand the science. The masks and vaccines eliminate the risk to some extent, but they don't prevent it. Any new variant doesn't go away quickly and it takes a few years just to reduce the risk. If you get infected, it stays with you for quite a few years and we don't know what impact it'll have on human bodies long term.

You're clearly either sales or HR. For your information, I am epidemiologist and not in the business of talking profits. Unfortunately people like you are only sales focused. You don't understand science and don't talk science either. That's why you are only fixing lunches for doctors and making money. I am in AZ to talk science and live science. I've been hired for my education to say the right things. And you've been here to serve meals. Thank you for your great advice, but I didn't ask for it and this shows how ignorant you are.

Then as an epidemiologist who works on the inside…SPEAK UP or keep speaking up. The sales leadership is pressing for full return to the field hard. Canceling a live meeting due to the variant means nothing to those people given that they can’t stand people being out of the field, for any reason—even if it is to properly train and level set us on the direction of the company. Nothing SLT and DMs hate more than time out of territory. Any effort to follow the science about the risks, means nothing to them.

I work in HQ and have the same experience. My manager wants all of us back on 1st Sep. i asked her about the options she said reduced work hours and salary cut!!! I went to HR and got the same response in a harsh tone!! So i am going to risk my life commute more than an hour one way every day to save my job and feed my family. Thanks AZ for your great place to work efforts!!!!!!!!!! If I die on duty please send at least a condolence letter to my family.............

You realize your field based sales team has been going in and out of doctor's offices (obviously full of sick people) for the last 14 months, right?

I work in HQ and have the same experience. My manager wants all of us back on 1st Sep. i asked her about the options she said reduced work hours and salary cut!!! I went to HR and got the same response in a harsh tone!! So i am going to risk my life commute more than an hour one way every day to save my job and feed my family. Thanks AZ for your great place to work efforts!!!!!!!!!! If I die on duty please send at least a condolence letter to my family.............

Of course you will risk your life! As sales reps we do it every day! It’s amazing we don’t have any driving fatalities as much as we drive. Besides, why do we all do it? ITS TO SAVE PATIENT LIVES THATS WHY! We are dedicated to the betterment of mankind! We will gladly sacrifice ourselves to save one patient! It’s the AZ way…just like the ALLDAY LIE is!

A fabulous Fortune 500 company of greed with no regard for human life. I agree, the district managers hate time out of the field except their own. They barely show up while they r not on their endless PTO and when they do - no value to me of the physician. Just expensive overhead to approve expense reports, have pointless zoom calls, pretend to b important and suck up to their bosses. Gross

There is no need to do live meetings for field based employees right now. Covid cases are as high as they've ever been and as we all know, breakthrough cases with Delta are not uncommon.

Sure we may not end up in the hospital but Delta comes on fast and could put multiple employees at any given meeting in a situation where they are away from home in a hotel sick and/or quarantined for an extended period of time. There is massive liability involved here and going forward with any meeting of a any significant number is just a poor decision from both a legal and medical standpoint.

You realize your field based sales team has been going in and out of doctor's offices (obviously full of sick people) for the last 14 months, right?
Yes I am aware our sales team has been going out. That's why AZ has provided you good cars to drive, they are talking about providing electric cars to you, your car insurance and maintenance has been covered, your salaries and incentives are higher than us, you receive quarterly incentive bonuses whereas we receive a small token once a year, you get to enjoy free lunches and dinners, COEs, awards and more perks. You better do the sales job. That's the nature of your job. We are office based and not required to go out, so AZ wants us to sit next to each other in the office and get sick. Understand the difference my friend............

There is no need to do live meetings for field based employees right now. Covid cases are as high as they've ever been and as we all know, breakthrough cases with Delta are not uncommon.

Sure we may not end up in the hospital but Delta comes on fast and could put multiple employees at any given meeting in a situation where they are away from home in a hotel sick and/or quarantined for an extended period of time. There is massive liability involved here and going forward with any meeting of a any significant number is just a poor decision from both a legal and medical standpoint.
My god why don’t you grow a pair!!! Damn the bitching, whining and constant complaining. So let me ask you this: do you go to the grocery store, church, out to eat, get gas, your kids sporting events, family and friends houses? YES we all do, so why are you bitching, just grow a pair and suck it up wussy!!!