Little Girl With An MBA


As a former successful Pfizer rep, laid off in 2012 with many others nationwide, I'll never forget the interview I had a few years ago with a Pfizer hiring manager. The top Rx product I would have promoted I already had successful experience with, having led my region in new and total Rx's. I walk into a hotel conference room for the interview, and here's this "little girl" sitting there interviewing me. I thought, "How did someone this young become a District Manager?" Here's how: She had an MBA. So typical of Pfizer and other corporations to promote these snotty-nosed little kids just because they have an MBA. Okay, now here come the comments trashing me and calling me 'boomer'. So be it, but these kids with two years of sales experience aren't qualified to be managers just because of some added letters after their name ...


As a former successful Pfizer rep, laid off in 2012 with many others nationwide, I'll never forget the interview I had a few years ago with a Pfizer hiring manager. The top Rx product I would have promoted I already had successful experience with, having led my region in new and total Rx's. I walk into a hotel conference room for the interview, and here's this "little girl" sitting there interviewing me. I thought, "How did someone this young become a District Manager?" Here's how: She had an MBA. So typical of Pfizer and other corporations to promote these snotty-nosed little kids just because they have an MBA. Okay, now here come the comments trashing me and calling me 'boomer'. So be it, but these kids with two years of sales experience aren't qualified to be managers just because of some added letters after their name ...

Don’t worry- they’ll be the death of any business.

America is sinking, and it’s due to inexperienced children who feel lofty because a school they shelled out thousands to attend has blown sunshine up their a**** and made them actually believe they are somehow superior to there.

But they paid good money to be told that. And flattery don’t cost a dime. So who is benefiting?

Pride always comes before the fall.

Have you seen what is called a White House correspondent? Even the Press Secretary is like “are you serious?” Shocking the questions about foreign policy they are asking with no thought of the consequences of such actions. It’s like an alternate reality.

As a former successful Pfizer rep, laid off in 2012 with many others nationwide, I'll never forget the interview I had a few years ago with a Pfizer hiring manager. The top Rx product I would have promoted I already had successful experience with, having led my region in new and total Rx's. I walk into a hotel conference room for the interview, and here's this "little girl" sitting there interviewing me. I thought, "How did someone this young become a District Manager?" Here's how: She had an MBA. So typical of Pfizer and other corporations to promote these snotty-nosed little kids just because they have an MBA. Okay, now here come the comments trashing me and calling me 'boomer'. So be it, but these kids with two years of sales experience aren't qualified to be managers just because of some added letters after their name ...

I had the same exact experience working at Pfizer. Arrogant narcissistic inexperienced know-it-alls. It was laughable. Sometimes I had to stop and take a moment to chuckle at their idiocy. They were so stupid!

As a former successful Pfizer rep, laid off in 2012 with many others nationwide, I'll never forget the interview I had a few years ago with a Pfizer hiring manager. The top Rx product I would have promoted I already had successful experience with, having led my region in new and total Rx's. I walk into a hotel conference room for the interview, and here's this "little girl" sitting there interviewing me. I thought, "How did someone this young become a District Manager?" Here's how: She had an MBA. So typical of Pfizer and other corporations to promote these snotty-nosed little kids just because they have an MBA. Okay, now here come the comments trashing me and calling me 'boomer'. So be it, but these kids with two years of sales experience aren't qualified to be managers just because of some added letters after their name ...

I do. It made no difference whatsoever in my approach to my job. I spent time away from my family on weeknights with a bunch of idiots for no valid reason whatsoever.

no difference?
do you pay attention to anything in class. I appy information from my MBA all the time.

MBA is a valuable network for a lifetime.

I highly recommend it if you can get it for under 50K or have a company pay for it, of course.

no difference?
do you pay attention to anything in class. I appy information from my MBA all the time.

MBA is a valuable network for a lifetime.

I highly recommend it if you can get it for under 50K or have a company pay for it, of course.
Be sure and get one that helps you learn how to spell. Don't be like "appy" here.

no difference?
do you pay attention to anything in class. I appy information from my MBA all the time.

MBA is a valuable network for a lifetime.

I highly recommend it if you can get it for under 50K or have a company pay for it, of course.
So if you pay more than $50K do they include a course on proofreading?

I do. It made no difference whatsoever in my approach to my job. I spent time away from my family on weeknights with a bunch of idiots for no valid reason whatsoever.
It's a lot like crossfit, in a way. You can "meet people", have an excuse to be away from your family, find people to cheat on your significant other with, and in general let your insecurities grow with like minded individuals who secretly feel inadequate and hate themselves.

So if you pay more than $50K do they include a course on proofreading?

its the ideas that count.

You have to elevate your thinking.

You are angry.

Find another company to work for.

Personally, I think too fast for you. So, I misspell. Who cares?

And yes, I was that guy that go about 30 straight A's on term papers in college.

its the ideas that count.

You have to elevate your thinking.

You are angry.

Find another company to work for.

Personally, I think too fast for you. So, I misspell. Who cares?

And yes, I was that guy that go about 30 straight A's on term papers in college.
Every day I check my mailbox for my "Straight A's" reward check, but nothing ever arrives.

I do, however, invest money very successfully and focus on what matters in life, and what doesn't.

Educational titles, degrees do not in any way confer benefit in the form of how one succeeds in life or helps others

They are merely a way for narcissistic, egotistical "straight A" people to serve their labile sense of self worth and feed their constantly threatened self esteem.

Good luck in life.

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