Let go- want to come back


When people are displaced involuntarily, like a layoff, you are either hireable within a year, or not.
You should call HR, and ask which category you were placed in.
Compliance , I'd say you need to end the AZ chapter. Failure isn't final....you'll find something.

This ex employee probably received a "termination by mutual consent." At best three months severance. Of course you can reapply for a job. However your chances of getting hired are NIL to ZERO. No manager would take a chance on you.

When people are displaced involuntarily, like a layoff, you are either hireable within a year, or not.
You should call HR, and ask which category you were placed in.
Compliance , I'd say you need to end the AZ chapter. Failure isn't final....you'll find something.

When you are laid off by AZ and get a package you cannot be rehired until at least 12 months have past.

When you are laid off by AZ and get a package you cannot be rehired until at least 12 months have past.
That's true. It is HR's way of saying they don't have to honor your time already spent at AZ. Know someone that got hit during the last layoff that wanted to come back. HR said they had to wait at least a year due to the severance. Then when that happened, HR said that since it was over a year, they no longer qualify for those things they had while at AZ, including vacation. The person was at AZ over 15 years. Pretty slimy move.

That's true. It is HR's way of saying they don't have to honor your time already spent at AZ. Know someone that got hit during the last layoff that wanted to come back. HR said they had to wait at least a year due to the severance. Then when that happened, HR said that since it was over a year, they no longer qualify for those things they had while at AZ, including vacation. The person was at AZ over 15 years. Pretty slimy move.

If you left, remember the reasons that drove you

If you were fired, remember the reasons that drove you

If you were displaced, why would you want to return to the same bullshit?

Serious question- if you are let go because of a dumb DM (compliance issue and given a package.) Can you reapply later? Only problem I had was DM!
You boss is 99% of the job. Most of the AZ DM's are lazier than the reps. If you get cursed and get one that actually has a work ethic you may be in for some hard times. Most of the DM's were reps either at AZ or other companies and learned how to game the system early in their careers. There are some DM's out there that won't even come out to work with you but rather just say they did to make it look good. The bottom line is that they have no way to really know how hard you are working other than to rely on your DM and some vague data collection and tracking on your iPad. Good luck loser!

That's true. It is HR's way of saying they don't have to honor your time already spent at AZ. Know someone that got hit during the last layoff that wanted to come back. HR said they had to wait at least a year due to the severance. Then when that happened, HR said that since it was over a year, they no longer qualify for those things they had while at AZ, including vacation. The person was at AZ over 15 years. Pretty slimy move.

That's true. It is HR's way of saying they don't have to honor your time already spent at AZ. Know someone that got hit during the last layoff that wanted to come back. HR said they had to wait at least a year due to the severance. Then when that happened, HR said that since it was over a year, they no longer qualify for those things they had while at AZ, including vacation. The person was at AZ over 15 years. Pretty slimy move.
Did they come back to AZ? Did they get/offered the same salary as before they were laid off?