Layoffs To Be Determined By Race and Diversity?


In the recent cutback of Contract salesforce, merit was not considered. Rather territorial needs (as determined by Pfizer) were used the cut the contract sales group in half. To quote Clint Eastwood "Deserve has nothing to do with it"

In the recent cutback of Contract salesforce, merit was not considered. Rather territorial needs (as determined by Pfizer) were used the cut the contract sales group in half. To quote Clint Eastwood "Deserve has nothing to do with it"
Correct. To avoid the liability of discrimination during layoffs, the territorial needs and rep proximity are important criteria.

Snowflake, please go away.

Oh please, how about formulating a thoughtful response instead being lazy and resorting to name calling. Two things are obvious in the world we now find ourselves in.

1 - This country has had a race problem since its founding, and while we’ve made tremendous strides in overcoming it, more needs to be done.

2 - White men today are paying the price for past racial sins that they had nothing to do with.

DEI is nothing more than an effort to create racial parity first, gender parity second and LBGTQ+ parity third. I like most am not against this, however I’m not for it in the way it’s being done post George Floyd. Anyone with half a brain can see that this is being done by openly discriminating against white men when it comes to hiring, layoff decisions, promotions, etc. We can all see it in the workplace, even if we don’t want to.

It’s the same outside of work too. I mean just watch TV and let me know the next time you see a minority or woman being made fun of in a commercial or show. It just doesn’t happen because DEI has made it acceptable to use white men the scape goat for everything.

Instead of name calling, how about using a little emotional intelligence and considering the views of those that aren’t benefiting - and in fact are being hurt - by DEI?

Of course downsizing will take into consideration race & gender. Remember those monthly mandatory DEI calls we were required to attend? Remember that time fatso John Schutta was proud about his trash can holder he made? Remember how the black employees proceeded to tell their stories to the entire Vaccine's division about how victimized they were? Remember when that one lady told the story about her "educated" husband getting pulled over by law enforcement and then sat down on the side of the road? Remember how she said that he WAS speeding, but failed to mention that he mouthed off to the sheriff, and THAT was the reason why he got pulled out of the vehicle, not because he was black? Remember on one of those "equity" calls they showed us a power point presentation of the actually percentage of Hispanic & Black employees they were hoping to increase at you know whose expense? You are all delusional if you don't think that skin color and sexual orientation is not a component of this ass backwards companies decision making process. Save yourself, find another job asap.

Oh please, how about formulating a thoughtful response instead being lazy and resorting to name calling. Two things are obvious in the world we now find ourselves in.

1 - This country has had a race problem since its founding, and while we’ve made tremendous strides in overcoming it, more needs to be done.

2 - White men today are paying the price for past racial sins that they had nothing to do with.

DEI is nothing more than an effort to create racial parity first, gender parity second and LBGTQ+ parity third. I like most am not against this, however I’m not for it in the way it’s being done post George Floyd. Anyone with half a brain can see that this is being done by openly discriminating against white men when it comes to hiring, layoff decisions, promotions, etc. We can all see it in the workplace, even if we don’t want to.

It’s the same outside of work too. I mean just watch TV and let me know the next time you see a minority or woman being made fun of in a commercial or show. It just doesn’t happen because DEI has made it acceptable to use white men the scape goat for everything.

Instead of name calling, how about using a little emotional intelligence and considering the views of those that aren’t benefiting - and in fact are being hurt - by DEI?
You are definitely being hurt by DEI.
It would benefit everyone, especially our corporate performance, if employees were selected and promoted based upon capability- not race, gender or sexual orientation. Everyone pays the price when a DEI candidate is selected over a more talented, experienced and qualified individual. But, during the Obama administration, Pfizer management pledged to increase the number of minority employees and to freely promote them. That is where we stand. Maybe a brutal layoff or a hostile takeover will place the best candidates for the job. What do you think?

You are definitely being hurt by DEI.
It would benefit everyone, especially our corporate performance, if employees were selected and promoted based upon capability- not race, gender or sexual orientation. Everyone pays the price when a DEI candidate is selected over a more talented, experienced and qualified individual. But, during the Obama administration, Pfizer management pledged to increase the number of minority employees and to freely promote them. That is where we stand. Maybe a brutal layoff or a hostile takeover will place the best candidates for the job. What do you think?

You dont work here, or you're lying to make some point. This place has never, ever put the best in any position. Had you been here (especially in HQ) from the Steere years til Ian Reads reign, you would have seen it clearly. Shoot, 15 or so years ago Forbes Magazine even had a cover article about how rampant cronyism and over-reliance on sycophants determined leadership spots here at good ole Pfizer. I dont remember reading a word about DEI being the nasty boogeyman you people always bitch and moan about.

AB has made some diversity noise, but we are still beholding to Pfizer cronyism at the manager level and above. I'm guessing that you're going to keep ranting on here about how some darkies or gays are taking spots that used to go to unqualified white men, so I'm signing off.

You are definitely being hurt by DEI.
It would benefit everyone, especially our corporate performance, if employees were selected and promoted based upon capability- not race, gender or sexual orientation. Everyone pays the price when a DEI candidate is selected over a more talented, experienced and qualified individual. But, during the Obama administration, Pfizer management pledged to increase the number of minority employees and to freely promote them. That is where we stand. Maybe a brutal layoff or a hostile takeover will place the best candidates for the job. What do you think?
Your epidermis racism is showing. Salud.

Of course downsizing will take into consideration race & gender. Remember those monthly mandatory DEI calls we were required to attend? Remember that time fatso John Schutta was proud about his trash can holder he made? Remember how the black employees proceeded to tell their stories to the entire Vaccine's division about how victimized they were? Remember when that one lady told the story about her "educated" husband getting pulled over by law enforcement and then sat down on the side of the road? Remember how she said that he WAS speeding, but failed to mention that he mouthed off to the sheriff, and THAT was the reason why he got pulled out of the vehicle, not because he was black? Remember on one of those "equity" calls they showed us a power point presentation of the actually percentage of Hispanic & Black employees they were hoping to increase at you know whose expense? You are all delusional if you don't think that skin color and sexual orientation is not a component of this ass backwards companies decision making process. Save yourself, find another job asap.
Sad but true, two wrongs don’t make a right. Pfe ship is sinking right before our eyes.

My manager is the most pedantic little squirrel that ever slithered into a maternity ward. And he's so white he gets a sunburn reading "goodnight moon". Little Golum looking freak boy.

It's not the minorities that are ruining this company.

My manager is the most pedantic little squirrel that ever slithered into a maternity ward. And he's so white he gets a sunburn reading "goodnight moon". Little Golum looking freak boy.

It's not the minorities that are ruining this company.
I think the point was DEI contributing to putting unqualified people in leadership positions, not that minorities were ruining the company. Agree there are plenty of non-minorities contributors to our downfall as well, first and foremost our CEO

Just read or watch AB’s presentation on inclusion and exclusion at the CEO conference. Set aside that the presentation content could have been written by a college sociology minor and that the CEOs in attendance were checking the exits. The whole idea that he would choose this presentation for his stage time tells us all we need to know about how they will staff the company.
A logical company running a business would staff based on what would best return results to shareholders. AB and his minions will staff based on what scratches his progressive itch.