Layoffs per region! Will be different says my SD!


Listen up! My SD here in the south says she was on a conference call and her DIRECT YR END BONUS IS TIED TO BOTTOM LINE REDUCTIONS!!! Always was and still will be!
Be smart about this folks, it will hit along both clusters taking the MOST SENIOR PEOPLE ALONG! PFE must reduce by salary and tenure and minimize lawsuits; therefore, nobody is secure regardless which cluster you are in!!!


Listen up! My SD here in the south says she was on a conference call and her DIRECT YR END BONUS IS TIED TO BOTTOM LINE REDUCTIONS!!! Always was and still will be!
Be smart about this folks, it will hit along both clusters taking the MOST SENIOR PEOPLE ALONG! PFE must reduce by salary and tenure and minimize lawsuits; therefore, nobody is secure regardless which cluster you are in!!!

Won't happen in Cluster 1

Listen up! My SD here in the south says she was on a conference call and her DIRECT YR END BONUS IS TIED TO BOTTOM LINE REDUCTIONS!!! Always was and still will be!
Be smart about this folks, it will hit along both clusters taking the MOST SENIOR PEOPLE ALONG! PFE must reduce by salary and tenure and minimize lawsuits; therefore, nobody is secure regardless which cluster you are in!!!

Bullshit. Your SD called you to let you know her YE bonus is tied to reductions? First, I doubt a SD would call to let you know a damn thing. Second, the YE bonus is based on cuts that won't even hit bottom line until some time next year? Not happening. Bonuses are based on how well a person performed vs. goals set sometime in Q1.

Cuts are hitting Cluster 2, that was clearly stated on CC. The cuts will be OBJECTIVE based on a needs assessment model established some time ago, and approved by legal to protect company from litigation.

Quit trying to scare people you ass. Cuts will be deep and painful, don't make it worse with your lies.

Bullshit. Your SD called you to let you know her YE bonus is tied to reductions? First, I doubt a SD would call to let you know a damn thing. Second, the YE bonus is based on cuts that won't even hit bottom line until some time next year? Not happening. Bonuses are based on how well a person performed vs. goals set sometime in Q1.

Cuts are hitting Cluster 2, that was clearly stated on CC. The cuts will be OBJECTIVE based on a needs assessment model established some time ago, and approved by legal to protect company from litigation.

Quit trying to scare people you ass. Cuts will be deep and painful, don't make it worse with your lies.

You may be right except for one thing...cutting people will be subjective but made to look objective

Anybody hearing if calls are made from DM's or from HR?? How are changes going to be rolled out?

Same as before. SD is called with their fate on Wed. The managers find out for themselves on Thurs. Reps wait by the phone on Friday.

Even if your manager or SD is let go, they will still be making the call.

They are reading a script from HR so it's all business. They make no personal comments and may or may not tell you if they've been retained. Everyone follows the rules. No one will jeapordize their severance.

The facts are the SD yr end bonus is DIRECTLY tied to the reorganization!!!!! Most are to be severed so they need to maximize their bonuses.
Who cares what month they are paid's irrelevant!!

The facts are the SD yr end bonus is DIRECTLY tied to the reorganization!!!!! Most are to be severed so they need to maximize their bonuses.
Who cares what month they are paid's irrelevant!!

Keep up skippy. I didn't say anything about when a bonus is paid out. I'll make my point simplier for you:

A DBM and above is paid an annual bonus based on performance to goal in the year prior. Dec. 20th is the day we're told our fate. At that time the 60 day warn period begins. Any changes in the Region won't impact the bottom line until 2013. Those changes will come from reduced employee expense, car, T&E and other expenses.
Pfizer will not pay a RD a larger bonus in 2013 for cutting Reps Dec. 20, since no savings will be realized until 2013. If throughout the year a RD chose not to replace a Rep than maybe they can expect to be paid a higher bonus due to lower expenses. That bonus will be based on delivering on the top line and bottom line, or sales and expenses.

Funny thing is, many RD's realized they had no chance in hell of hitting our ridiculous 2012 sales goals so they chose to subsidize that deficit with vacancies. Doubling our workload with no extra pay so they could maximize bonus payout for themselves.

Hell if a RD could make a bigger bonus by simply cutting Reps in 17 days, we'd see far greater numbers.

Bullshit. Your SD called you to let you know her YE bonus is tied to reductions? First, I doubt a SD would call to let you know a damn thing. Second, the YE bonus is based on cuts that won't even hit bottom line until some time next year? Not happening. Bonuses are based on how well a person performed vs. goals set sometime in Q1.

Cuts are hitting Cluster 2, that was clearly stated on CC. The cuts will be OBJECTIVE based on a needs assessment model established some time ago, and approved by legal to protect company from litigation.

Quit trying to scare people you ass. Cuts will be deep and painful, don't make it worse with your lies.

Cuts based on a "needs assessment model"? Haaaaaaaaa , you are a riot. Look, I have been in this industry for 35 years, and with all of the layoffs over the last 10 years, no one being laid off, I repeat, NO ONE, has ever actually seen this so-called "needs assessment model". What does THAT tell you, Bucky? Go ahead, ask for it. Ask them how it was determined that YOU are getting laid off? Ask for the metrics. Ask for the numbers. Ask for the Moon, for all the good it will do you.

Cuts based on a "needs assessment model"? Haaaaaaaaa , you are a riot. Look, I have been in this industry for 35 years, and with all of the layoffs over the last 10 years, no one being laid off, I repeat, NO ONE, has ever actually seen this so-called "needs assessment model". What does THAT tell you, Bucky? Go ahead, ask for it. Ask them how it was determined that YOU are getting laid off? Ask for the metrics. Ask for the numbers. Ask for the Moon, for all the good it will do you.

Congrats on your time in the industry, but I've been around for awhile myself, so get off your high horse. Your time served gives you no better perspective than mine.

Why are you focusing on the model? Read the whole post, the arguement was a SD bonus in 2012 will not be impacted by changes made Dec. 20th.

The needs assessment model is simple: we need to have more Reps in larger markets due to the high number of patients in those markets. And we can use layoffs to cull Reps with PM on their last PA, or in markets with no access. Maybe Pfizer will finally make the hard decisions and sig. cut the sales force to reflect the current market, not the market when WE got into this business.

The process may not be completely objective, but there is NO way anyone is saying, keep her, cut him, keep him, cut her. There is a computer model that makes recomendations. The data will include: how many (no names): men, women, minorities, and ages. If it appears too many women, as an example, are selected it might be adjusted.

Congrats on your time in the industry, but I've been around for awhile myself, so get off your high horse. Your time served gives you no better perspective than mine.

Why are you focusing on the model? Read the whole post, the arguement was a SD bonus in 2012 will not be impacted by changes made Dec. 20th.

The needs assessment model is simple: we need to have more Reps in larger markets due to the high number of patients in those markets. And we can use layoffs to cull Reps with PM on their last PA, or in markets with no access. Maybe Pfizer will finally make the hard decisions and sig. cut the sales force to reflect the current market, not the market when WE got into this business.

The process may not be completely objective, but there is NO way anyone is saying, keep her, cut him, keep him, cut her. There is a computer model that makes recomendations. The data will include: how many (no names): men, women, minorities, and ages. If it appears too many women, as an example, are selected it might be adjusted.

Wake up. While ZS model will provide numbers The leadership will pick names

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