Launch or funeral?

Vyvanse and Intuniv were way better, those were launches. Wow!!!! The bonus structures were great too. I guess you need to think about it this way. What do you expect from second rate leaders.. if you can actually call them leaders.

Nothing will beat the Intuniv launch. Hands down. Best ever. Great leaders back then.

Maroon 5

-Former employee.

Vyvanse and Intuniv were way better, those were launches. Wow!!!! The bonus structures were great too. I guess you need to think about it this way. What do you expect from second rate leaders.. if you can actually call them leaders.
Remember the women in bathing suits floating around the pool in the inflatable balls that were like hamsters in a habitrail? That was the welcome party and right then I knew, "It's on!"

Great fuckin' launch!

Remember the days of John Mellancamp, Maroon 5, Sheryl Crowe. Not to mention Patagonia and North Face jackets, Beats and Olukai sandals.

We also had leaders who could pump us up and put the money where theit mouth was with off the hook incentives (remember "Special Incentive and BTS?")

This place is like Walmart lead by the very customers who shop there.


Those were the good ole days!! Glad I left Shire before this meeting, I almost stuck around because launch meetings used to be so epic. Now everything is low budget. Fleming won’t hit his 20/20 goal by being so stingy, he’s ruined the company to save his ego

ive never despised a CEO or even cared much about them until Fleming. It will give me great pleasure to see the day he's shown the door ....or when 2020 hits and he failed whichever is first. Karma is a bitch

ive never despised a CEO or even cared much about them until Fleming. It will give me great pleasure to see the day he's shown the door ....or when 2020 hits and he failed whichever is first. Karma is a bitch

He's made enough money. If we really wanted to get great pleasure it would be to have him publicly humbled...