

Please tell us your email was not serious? And there's no way you wrote that either--something tells me you still use one finger at a time when you type.

Nice try with your spin & fake news! Funny, this shit always happens on Friday's. They must love ruining our weekends. Go f yourself d*ickhead.

My beach house which is a second home got flooded last year during a storm. Nothing this year but my bosses house was flooded again. I did take an entire week off for inclement weather though. Do I qualify for a "storm adjustment"

KC and MR are a joke... what happened to your email about doing right by the sales force in 2017?? How is changing a bonus plan with one week left in the quarter doing right by the sales force? I could slap your ugly smug face KC. And both of you need to stop flirting with my girlfriends and me at meetings. We think you are disgusting but have to deal with you. Did you notice how many of us stood up for you when you took the stage in New York. Not one. We had no respect for you before this decision but now you are DESPISED

If you really want to "F" with leadership get on every financial blog, message board, any financial entity or Financial sector journalists that covers Shire and let the world know what is going on. Screwing with RX goals, bonus payouts delayed, OBU layoffs, slow/disapointing Mydayis launch, leadership upset with Sales Force's lack of urgency with the launch, FO blaming AI for dropping stock price etc. guaranteed some of this analysts and financial journalists start asking questions on the next earnings call

These leaders are going to Hell... all of them are despicable liars... will anyone stand up for us?? A ZD? An RD? Will anyone tell these people how wrong and dishonest they are?

Did Perry kevin and Marks promised bonuses go down by 25 % like mine did today... 4% reduction in goal attainment with 5 selling days left... thanks guys. Me not selling Mydayis next week is in direct response to this decision... I will be job hunting instead.

They lowered all of the Reps goal attainment numbers for adult reps so no one is at 100% said it was an "indexing issue" that they found, did this with a week to go in the qtr and during the launch. then they raised all of the ped goal attainment numbers.

Oh and then they had the RDs deliver the news and good ole boy Kevin sends out an email Friday night thanking us for our hard work and tries to spin these changes as positive.

They lowered all of the Reps goal attainment numbers for adult reps so no one is at 100% said it was an "indexing issue" that they found, did this with a week to go in the qtr and during the launch. then they raised all of the ped goal attainment numbers.

Oh and then they had the RDs deliver the news and good ole boy Kevin sends out an email Friday night thanking us for our hard work and tries to spin these changes as positive.
OBU rep here, that's some Fucked up shit!!! I thought telling us the morning of that we wouldn't get paid our buns was bad....
I think they are hurting for cash and this is their way of getting it. Not paying it out to sales. Greedy bast Ardsley! Seriously as if sales morale wasn't low enough. You need with people's money and they will leave!!!!