KC or MR, who goes first?

Your friend s have rat you out your going down you pervert. Nasty things, how disgusting. All who are involved are disgusting and they have places for people like you bunch of scum. Maybe you learn something after this.

The ringleader behind all this MBL you my dear, you are in serious trouble. I wonder if your good friend Trump is going to you out this pickle you got yourself into just because you handle somone saying no to you. Who the hell do youthink you are? Nobody is what you soon are about to find out.You not above the law even though you think that are.

guys, I don't mean to blow your wad but MR and KK are left around for a reason. We will never know the true rational but we will all be gone before they are!

It's rationale genius, and they will be around because MR has family on the board that got him the job in the first place ,and KK is PS's and FO's little errand girl.

You are not the smartest one in the room you just think that you are. I knew you were part of this all along but because I liked you, I wanted to give you a chance to get out, but you would nt, so now you going down with the rest them. Iam serious as heart attack.

considering the NBU has not hit goal in what feels like forever, Adult/Ped rep split has been a nightmare, Xiidra promotion is a mess, and GEP rollout is moving at a snails pace...who takes the blame?!

They should take the blame for all
But being the pathetic incompetent arrogant tools that they are they will blame the sales force for everything