Kathy Kobe - how is she hired after all these lawsuits?

This is totally off the subject, but hear bitches walking around talking about they have issues with men. Whatever I have issues with dumb, lazy mfs in general. It doesn't matter what gender they are thank you very much.

I noticed some of you keep bringing up the fact that she is not married and doesn't have any kids. So what's your point, maybe not every body wants to be married with kids. If being married with kids was so great, than why are you people so bitter, and always bitching and whining about how horrible it is. Oh and let's not forget trying to pick up other people, as if your spouse doesn't even exist.

Speaking of terms of weight a person can always lose weight, you cannot fix ugly. Well, I guess you could, if you went to a plastic surgeon, and even then they need something to work with.

Have you ever notice that ugly people are always the ones talking shit on people. You don't hear or see no fine ass person whether they be male or female sitting around talking shit on someone else. It's always those ugly mfs. Lol

Ever notice lazy people look for any reason under the sun not to do damn job. Examples, I don't like her, my feet hurt, I have kids, my dog die. It like really, why don't you all try growing up. Bunch of Morons.

Ever notice racist people are always ugly. Just the other day had some loser in a store tell me I need to back to where I came from. Iam thinking to myself to need to go to the dentist and get some thing done to that mouth of yours, you disgusting looking thing, you looking like the walking dead. You look something the cat threw up but I wasn't going to be rude. You need to go back to hell , where you came from.

Ever notice racist people are always ugly. Just the other day had some loser in a store tell me I need to back to where I came from. Iam thinking to myself to need to go to the dentist and get some thing done to that mouth of yours, you disgusting looking thing, you looking like the walking dead. You look something the cat threw up but I wasn't going to be rude. You need to go back to hell , where you came from.

NO !!! YOU go back to that hell hole of a country you came from

Can someone just delete this whole thread? It's like the same idiot keeps posting back and forth.
KK is gone, let's all just move along.
You might as well, because if think for one second that you pick on my homegirl KK on these dumb ass posts and my ignorant ass ain't going write something you better think again. Buster