Yeah, well with your constant badgering Iam probably going to get real good at this shit talking stuff. By the way did your wonderful friend finally wash her damn feet, before she put her sandles on. Smell ing like the damn kitty litter box. Lol
Wow. You should've put a question mark after wrong. You also omitted many commas, or periods in your breaks of thought. Anyway, I'm going to dub you Captain Run On Sentence. You should be proud of your new title. You've earned it.
Yep that is what u monkeys do, always single one person out to pick on, as if any of u are any better than the next person. U people are nothing more than a bunch of weak ass bullies. That's ok though because Karma is a bitch, and she doesn't discriminate. Lol
Oh oops, I thought we were, by the way a bunch of grown ass people are making fun of another because of KK with her fine ass. If I was her and reading this shit my ego would be so big, and I would be laughing my ass off.
Iam just twerking in rain, twerking in the rain, its the most ratchet feeling, Iam making it clap again. These Haters going hate, but Iam still in the game, working it and twerking in the rain. Lmao
Have another question that's totally off the subject. What the hell is the two step? I keep hearing people talking about it. Whatever, they need to, two step their ass into getting a life. Dumb mfs. Lol
Here another question that's off the subject. What the hell is tripping? What happened exactly, did someone take drugs or something, and had a bad trip? Did someone like literally tripped and fell into another woman's breasts by mistake, or so they say? Not fully understanding this dumb ass joke neither. Whatever, they can tripped into kissing my ass. Lol
Read through this thread's like a scene from Southpark....BTW we sell eye an' needs to know that her boots don't have any impact any's over you hag!
Like I said before if KK was some fat ugly bitch, who was broke as a joke. Nobody would give a shit about what she says or does. Pure jealousy is all the hell it is. You people really need to get a life. As a matter of fact ,if she was a man these dumb ass posts would not even exist. Instead she probably be president by now, and same hoes talking shit on her ,would probably be the same ones given her head in a bathroom some where. Lol