Kathy Kobe - how is she hired after all these lawsuits?

I wrote it in plain English moron are u sure u don't need hooked on phonics. I will put the wine down when u put the meth down how about that, is that clear enough for you.

Hey how about I buy u a monkey for your birthday will that take the stick out of your butt. Lol

Literally every one of your posts are written horribly. I usually don't comment on spelling or grammar but the post you wrote, something about Pope Francis, that's actually the one I was referring to that's the hardest to understand. Although this one is pretty bad too. I'm not sure why you keep writing "LOL". Nothing you're writing is funny.

I keep writing because it is a free country and if u don't like it don't read. Iam sick of u dogging out my girl KK. She is the bomb and u can kiss her grits. Lol I think Iam funny I don't give a damn whether you think so or not. West side go pee on yourself.

She was not great but at least we got bonuses under her and she communicated regularly
Now we have the phantom leader and our money has shriveled up.

Not a fan of Kk at all... terrible leader except this poster makes a great point... she did bonus us well. We now have a terrible leader without the money... is everyone blind to the fact of how bad kevcow really is... this guy is a joke just like out goals. My territory has been over 100% more than 90% of the quarters I've worked here. Now u give my docs ive been calling on to someone elsr and give me a new territory with some other reps docs and im 90 some percent to goal... and now kc all of a sudden wants to pay top performers more money... these aren't our #'s moron... Q2 numbers are laughable... try getting goals right for just one quarter KevCow

You can kiss my grits u high strung tweaker how u talk about me drinking when your ass is smoking foils like there is no tommorrow. Is that grammar enough for you, u low life dirt bag salad tosser.

U know what I love about KK is she that don't give a damn about what anybody thinks and she shouldn't, I mean who the hell do you people think u are that someone should care about your opinion or anything else, u paying her bills, putting food on her table I doubt it, did someone die and make u Jesus Christ probably not so, why don't u drink a tall glass of shut the hell up.

U know what I love about KK is she that don't give a damn about what anybody thinks and she shouldn't, I mean who the hell do you people think u are that someone should care about your opinion or anything else, u paying her bills, putting food on her table I doubt it, did someone die and make u Jesus Christ probably not so, why don't u drink a tall glass of shut the hell up.
Great Post! The troll needs to go to another site!

U are just mad because u not living in general with your hating rat ass, speaking of living why don't you try getting a life loser. Then you would not be worry about KK are anybody else. Lol

U are just mad because u not living in general with your hating rat ass, speaking of living why don't you try getting a life loser. Then you would not be worry about KK are anybody else. Lol
I'm assuming you meant "then you would not be 'worried' about KK 'or' anybody else".

I'm starting to think KK has hired someone from India to get on here over and over and over to post positive things. Problem is they don't grasp common English well. Good try. You're not fooling anyone. We all know about her "promotion" which was long overdue since she has an extensive history of failure. It's amazing she's able to get a job at this point at all. Good luck KK at your new position. I'm sure you'll rip it apart and turn it to shit like you always do. *smooches*

Why are u worried about KK either way sounds like to me she is living in your head, u nut job what you jealous of her something talking about me why don't u get a life already ass crunch. You poor thing whats wrong, did she turn your bed down. What u cry now, u big whining ass sissy. Crybaby crybaby go suck your mama's titties.