K2m vs Globus Medical


I have a job opportunity with both companies. Iv done plenty of research and have heard good things about both companies, I have talked to current employees as well. K2m seems to be a great small company to work for but don't seem to have the product bag like globus. What are your thoughts? Any current employees out there? How are commissions ect ect.

Thank you


Globus...for the reason you pointed out, a more complete bag to offer. I think they have a longer 'shelf life' for a career than K2M. K2M has some good products but not the depth of Globus. Globus' only downfall is they REFUSE to lower their prices. In this current environment, that will make it very difficult to gain new biz.

Globus...for the reason you pointed out, a more complete bag to offer. I think they have a longer 'shelf life' for a career than K2M. K2M has some good products but not the depth of Globus. Globus' only downfall is they REFUSE to lower their prices. In this current environment, that will make it very difficult to gain new biz.

I'm sure the price thing can be worked on. Do you work for Globus? Is that a problem you have had? Thanks for the input!

I've worked for both. Both are good companies but Globus has the best products in the industry, hands down. Both paid commissions of 10%. K2 has a better deformity system. If you don't have very many deformity surgeons in your area then go with Globus.