July 1 and IS still has no sales numbers!!


Are you effing serious?

July 1, six months into the year and the best the clowns in operations can do is produce a report that says everyone gets the same 20% payout? F U!

Meanwhile, the ELT and the DMTs know exactly how they are doing. F the field though.

Does anyone in power realize that sales people like to know how they are doing? They like to know how they are progressing against their quota.

The end has already come and no one will admit it.


No numbers are the least of concerns. Seriously, be aggressive and get another drug! Stop having conference calls saying we are hopeful-matter of fact stop them altogether!
A mass exodus will occur at the end of this year if nothing new is in the bag. Not sure if that will be due to people leaving due to another job or due to layoff.

Due to unforeseen data vendor alignment procedural interface synchronizations, IC quality data will not be available until January 2014. You should thank us though, for we have owned it and initiated a deep dive review that will in all likelihood produce an early snapshot view of performance by December 2013.

Signed, Commercial Operations