January 1 2024 Mandate

Return to office mandates are typical for companies like Abbott that are extremely management top heavy. Few people do the actual work and there’s so many layers of management that do nothing except “manage”. These middle layers must justify their positions by forcing the worker bees back to the office.

Return to office mandates are typical for companies like Abbott that are extremely management top heavy. Few people do the actual work and there’s so many layers of management that do nothing except “manage”. These middle layers must justify their positions by forcing the worker bees back to the office.

True, my team has 4 managers for less than 10 ‘workers’

Based on the first four days of the new year the mandate has failed. The VPs are suppose to oversee attendance and they do not want to come to the office either.

Yep. Even they realize how boneheaded the mandate is. They didn’t claw their way to VP positions just to become glorified truant officers. They’ve got far more important things to do during their workday than make sure everyone’s all in their places with bright shining faces.

Yep. Even they realize how boneheaded the mandate is. They didn’t claw their way to VP positions just to become glorified truant officers. They’ve got far more important things to do during their workday than make sure everyone’s all in their places with bright shining faces.

Thanks, mid-level VP, for your continued posts.

Unbelievable, Abbott Park a ghost town due to a pittance of snow. Bunch of weak cry babies. You would think they are all transplants from California or Florida. This is the Midwest and you better toughen up, get a 4 wheel drive, and a decent coat you fools else Blitzkrieg Bob is going to launch you out of the Park!

Unbelievable, Abbott Park a ghost town due to a pittance of snow. Bunch of weak cry babies. You would think they are all transplants from California or Florida. This is the Midwest and you better toughen up, get a 4 wheel drive, and a decent coat you fools else Blitzkrieg Bob is going to launch you out of the Park!
The launch button is sitting on the table next to his deck chair by the pool in Aruba.

I have no issues coming into the office 5 days a week. I just hate how some functions take it more seriously. And some think cause they are tight with executives at the Park actually come in way less.