January 1 2024 Mandate

We get how many emails touting the importance of us all all and meanwhile we are collectively treated as misfits. Benefits reduced or removed, everyone punished for the bad behavior of the few, and miserly pay increases year after year. Add the insult of having new hires brought in at multiple grade levels higher than legacy employees but remember the motto we are stronger together. If I was not experiencing it you would think it was BS.

Don't forget employees from tiny acquisitions being given higher pay grades than legacy employees and also put into management positions even though they are not qualified to work in an environment as large as Abbott. When you are driving into the office just remember how you are living life to the fullest thanks to Abbott Execs. They have proven year after year that they don't value their employees.

Just need more PDPs to make poster board presentations in the cafeteria about how great the office is. Then fly them overseas and pay their room and board for six months.

At a time when companies are letting more people work from home, they're forcing their employees back into the office, some of who have had WFH schedules for years? They might as well leave cards saying "WE DON'T TRUST YOU" on everybody's desks come January 2nd.
It is a move to force employees out so they don't have to do more layoffs and provide severance. They are hoping a number of voluntarily departures that would otherwise require it be reported according to state mandates. Most BUs have thus far managed to keep under the required notice mandates for mass layoffs. Layoffs = bad press. More bad press should I say.

It is a move to force employees out so they don't have to do more layoffs and provide severance. They are hoping a number of voluntarily departures that would otherwise require it be reported according to state mandates. Most BUs have thus far managed to keep under the required notice mandates for mass layoffs. Layoffs = bad press. More bad press should I say.

Gotta love getting the end of the year email from the big cheese saying great job everyone and 5 minutes later receiving another one saying get back to the office you slackers!

Gotta love getting the end of the year email from the big cheese saying great job everyone and 5 minutes later receiving another one saying get back to the office you slackers!

Are they getting rid of fully remote employees (not near an office)? Won’t tell us besides to say the company is ‘ justifying our positions’ LOL… pretty much expecting to log in on Jan 2nd to the boot.

Are they getting rid of fully remote employees (not near an office)? Won’t tell us besides to say the company is ‘ justifying our positions’ LOL… pretty much expecting to log in on Jan 2nd to the boot.
The message reads that way. How does this new policy affect contractors, either near or far from an office. The formal policy and all communication has been very careful not to mention the C word.