IS West Conference Call


What's up with the July 23 conference call with the almighty Kristen? The last "IS Update" teleconference we had in November led to layoffs later that week. Is this going to be the same? Why give us one months notice?


We will be told that if we would only OWN IT and execute the plan drawn up by marketing that we would hit our sales numbers.

Additional items:

1. Speaker programs drive sales. Those who do lots of programs do well. You better get on it.
2. The number one item that determines value to our customer is scientific data. You better start delivering the new data. Whoops, forget this one.
3. To address cost concerns you better have a bunch of voucher redemptions. If you do, then cost is no longer a concern in your territory.

Meanwhile I still have no clue as to what my TBO progress is. In fact, I don't even know what my Prevnar TBO is, yet it the review period ends in 2 weeks. Also, be prepared to submit your mid year appraisal by the end of this message.

Finally, iPlan is a sales tool. You better take 2 more weeks out of the field and update for the 2nd half of the year before you enter your 2nd semester TBOs or you will get on a list and going into November, you don't want to be on any lists.

We will be told that if we would only OWN IT and execute the plan drawn up by marketing that we would hit our sales numbers.

Additional items:

1. Speaker programs drive sales. Those who do lots of programs do well. You better get on it.
2. The number one item that determines value to our customer is scientific data. You better start delivering the new data. Whoops, forget this one.
3. To address cost concerns you better have a bunch of voucher redemptions. If you do, then cost is no longer a concern in your territory.

Meanwhile I still have no clue as to what my TBO progress is. In fact, I don't even know what my Prevnar TBO is, yet it the review period ends in 2 weeks. Also, be prepared to submit your mid year appraisal by the end of this message.

Finally, iPlan is a sales tool. You better take 2 more weeks out of the field and update for the 2nd half of the year before you enter your 2nd semester TBOs or you will get on a list and going into November, you don't want to be on any lists.

4. We have simplified busy work,now we only have 10 trackers,Icue,Iplan,TBO.Mid year review business plans,etc.

I just want something new. Anything. Anything new that I can approach my docs again and provide value.

I can handle my DM. Look, I can play the game and do programs attended by nurses or do webcasts that run in the closet, but I can't provide value if I don't have new data. Please give me anything.

Please don't insult me and say we have new tools for the ED campaign when it is just a re-shuffle of the slim jim. What is new in that? What is new, not re-shuffled, in the WCC platform?

New data is out there, but we aren't allowed to do anything. Just give me something new. Please.

Oh, and stop pretending with CUE. It sucks and it is not meant for inside the hospital. It might be good for an office type appointment where you know before hand who you will see but it doesn't work in the hospital. How you like that candor? Be honest, CUE doesn't work in our environment.

Give me something new, I want to sell!

Agreed--ICUE sucks!! The content is very good but the big bulky, delivery platform sucks. Get us IPADS and we will use it otherwise forget about it!! But Kristen if you need us to fake a few calls for you we will.

Each region is having a call on a different day. My bet is that it will not include any layoff info. Regional based sales data, etc, etc, makes sense. Product announcements or layoffs that effect everyone would not be done over days. It would be one call, all at one time....and only a 24 hrs warning. We know the drill.

Each region is having a call on a different day. My bet is that it will not include any layoff info. Regional based sales data, etc, etc, makes sense. Product announcements or layoffs that effect everyone would not be done over days. It would be one call, all at one time....and only a 24 hrs warning. We know the drill.

Layoffs are typically announced via urgent conference call with about 24 hour notice. This conference call is to discuss the think tank discussions. She will give us all the impression that business is going well and that things are fine with our division. Of course we are not that stupid and we know better.

You would shit a brick if you knew how many hospital reps had side jobs. You name it; construction, real estate, clothing stores, buy/flip, personal trainers, consulting.

You would shit a brick if you knew how many hospital reps had side jobs. You name it; construction, real estate, clothing stores, buy/flip, personal trainers, consulting.

What does this have to do with this thread?? And its not just hospital reps who have side businesses~its anyone with half a brain!! Unless you haven't noticed this job is not a long term proposition. Its called plan B my friend--I suggest you get one!!

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