Is this for real what has transpired in the immunology division?

Yes. Just curious as to what the changes are and the challenges it brings?

The changes are that Shire has forced the same type of the metrics they use in NBU and OBU onto the immunology franchise. The CIA Shire is strapped with has also forced the division to stop allowing many of the things that made it successful. None of them illegal, but Shire follows the pharm code. Baxalta followed AvaMed guidelines which were more in line for they type of sale that is done in that division.

The changes are that Shire has forced the same type of the metrics they use in NBU and OBU onto the immunology franchise. The CIA Shire is strapped with has also forced the division to stop allowing many of the things that made it successful. None of them illegal, but Shire follows the pharm code. Baxalta followed AvaMed guidelines which were more in line for they type of sale that is done in that division.

Aw man, that does suck! Being under the advamed guidelines makes actual selling much more possible. Pharma guidelines make us feel like little robots who can’t think for ourselves. I’m sorry that is happening.

The changes are that Shire has forced the same type of the metrics they use in NBU and OBU onto the immunology franchise. The CIA Shire is strapped with has also forced the division to stop allowing many of the things that made it successful. None of them illegal, but Shire follows the pharm code. Baxalta followed AvaMed guidelines which were more in line for they type of sale that is done in that division.

Thank you for your response. I was afraid that’s what you were going to say. I’ve sold a device under pharma guidelines and it doesn’t work. Especially when your competitors aren’t under the same guidelines. Huge disadvantage. That’s all I needed to hear. Thanks again for your feedback.

Thank you for your response. I was afraid that’s what you were going to say. I’ve sold a device under pharma guidelines and it doesn’t work. Especially when your competitors aren’t under the same guidelines. Huge disadvantage. That’s all I needed to hear. Thanks again for your feedback.

Ya, it's sucks. We asked our legal team to fight for Avamed, but we were shot down. This is one of the reasons Shire says they are bio-tec, but has no idea what that means. Big pharma model is fine for big pharma but does not transfer to biological and plasma sales.

One of the best RBDs in the entire company just quit. That should tell you how well the Immunology division is doing under Shire. He’s gone, and many others to follow.

They have ruined rare disease HAE and immunology. Plain and simple. Big pharma no one wants to work here anymore. When people leave in droves and you don’t do ANYTHING to change it infact just make it worse. It’s almost like it’s puposeful. It’s sad. Don’t say you want to create this great culture because you don’t. Your actions clearly state that. If it weren’t for my manager, my customers and the patients I’d be out of here.

They have ruined rare disease HAE and immunology. Plain and simple. Big pharma no one wants to work here anymore. When people leave in droves and you don’t do ANYTHING to change it infact just make it worse. It’s almost like it’s puposeful. It’s sad. Don’t say you want to create this great culture because you don’t. Your actions clearly state that. If it weren’t for my manager, my customers and the patients I’d be out of here.

So true. If my manager leaves, I will beg him to take me along.