Is it time to look for another job ?


Nestle will sell its share and Galderma will be picked up by another company
be end of Qtr.1 2014.
Sales force will be cut in half- Theracutix/CutiScience
many of those reps will not stay and will be replaced by X's own
DM model will be non existent- as will regionals
Any drug older than 4 years the budget will be cut to nothing on promotions- bye bye

FF left knowing this
$$ has been cut to balance the sheets- i.e. no new car orders- recycled marketing
Jan national major changes, the list continues

The bids are in between three, 2 we are all too familiar with and we would hate to
work for and the third wanting an entry into the Rx market.

I guess it's time to sell Naftin.


Clindagel sold. Vectical generic rights sold. Cetaphil in the works to go back to our sister French Company LRP. Derm in Review contracts cancelled.
No new cars orders. FF not being replaced for at least 6 months. Raises be restricted
to no increase- 1 % and 2%. SSR program not being pursued.

A new regime wants a clean slate and can careless anything about you.

Good by 2 divisions- let's chop territories and 4 state that do not need rep's..

Adios Galderma
I hate leaving $ behind but a lot of jobs out there now- Onset and Valeant are expanding

Who knows how the layoffs will go after Galderma is sold. It will most likely be dictated by the company making the purchase, but rest assured they will take care of their own people first. With Oracea tanking big time due to the $10 card mess and Mirvaso still being a "wildcard" in terms of its overall potential, the company has clearly peaked in value. It makes perfect sense to sell now at the "high point" before the full brunt of Obamacare hits our industry like a nuclear bomb... Nestlé will be able to downplay the bad Oracea numbers and get the suiting company to focus on the shiny new product, Mirvaso before it has time to become the disappointment that it already is. If FF "leaving" the company at the beginning of a product launch wasn't a sign to all of you that something big was in the works... Then you my friend are blind. Give me an example of any other pharma company having their top guy step down during a POA launch meeting... I just hope the severance package is good!

These guys are always taken care of. The profit picture was so bad that H A had to do something with FF to cover his own ass. The end has been looming for almost a year. FF fired everybody he could to cover his own incompetence and now it has caught up with him. At the end of 2014 Clobex spray is done and then so is CS and probably what is left of the Ped team will be rolled into the Galderma sales team. These products no longer can support the head count and or meet the goals for sales and for profits that Nestle would expect going forward. My guess is that HA does not replace the president and the remaining assets will be sold within 6 months as opposed to naming a new US president. Unless he is the president of the company that is buying us.

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