Is anyone making numbers in the B team


B side is on the rocks. With products like Toviaz, Viagra, Premarin and Pristiq, not much going on here. Feel like I'm just driving around trying to stay motivated.

Yesterday a doctor brought up the future of Pfizer and Eliquis - said he would not be RXing if the effects are not reversible. So much to look forward to


Its not easy. Thats what we get paid for.
Be creative & stay within icue presentation guidelines.
Example: doc what happens when you mix a patient w/ed & prem vaginal cream?
A pop that creams. Stupid but effective.

Ex 2. the womens movement can be boiled down to2 words, "pussy power" & btw how bout that pvc for a powerful packing pussy.

Ex 3 doc, nothing will make willy limp, like a women who wets her pants.
there are 2 ways to handle this. make it so willy dont get limp or stop the women from peeing in her pants. Whats your approach? either way I can help.

I've been in the same territory for 6 yrs now (one of the lucky ones) and these things DO work with those who you know.
Be careful, try it & have fun.
Stupid & corny can join in too.

Its not easy. Thats what we get paid for.
Be creative & stay within icue presentation guidelines.
Example: doc what happens when you mix a patient w/ed & prem vaginal cream?
A pop that creams. Stupid but effective.

Ex 2. the womens movement can be boiled down to2 words, "pussy power" & btw how bout that pvc for a powerful packing pussy.

Ex 3 doc, nothing will make willy limp, like a women who wets her pants.
there are 2 ways to handle this. make it so willy dont get limp or stop the women from peeing in her pants. Whats your approach? either way I can help.

I've been in the same territory for 6 yrs now (one of the lucky ones) and these things DO work with those who you know.
Be careful, try it & have fun.
Stupid & corny can join in too.

I see a RBD position in your future. Only at Pfizer, though.