IPO - More layoffs


More layoffs to make the books look good for an IPO. They are fooling investors to make them think the company is doing well and if they get rid of more people, it will help. All part of Flemmings grand plan to cash out. He does not care about humans and just cares about lining his evil pockets. Karma will get him or the SEC. EQT just wants out at this point because they know how much of a shit show Galderma is.


It is the whole leadership team. It is a bunch of washed up has beens that are trying to sell crappy products. They have no idea how to market products and if they worked for a real company, they would be five levels lower.
This is such an accurate statement. Galderma is run by a bunch of incapable 3rd league leaders who are way past their sell by date. No real company would hire them as they don’t meet the requirements.

The stock market is sliding, the banking sector hammered and it’s just the start of a global crisis. With the current turmoil it’s difficult to see IPO happening. More pain and layoffs at Galderma.

The stock market is sliding, the banking sector hammered and it’s just the start of a global crisis. With the current turmoil it’s difficult to see IPO happening. More pain and layoffs at Galderma.
Credit Suisse is being bought by UBS and this is all happening in Switzerland where they want to go public. No way an IPO is happening. I guarantee the company will be sold off either by cell off products or if they can get a stupid company to buy the whole thing, but most likely by products. We have no pipeline to really sell. It is a shit company.

Credit Suisse is being bought by UBS and this is all happening in Switzerland where they want to go public. No way an IPO is happening. I guarantee the company will be sold off either by cell off products or if they can get a stupid company to buy the whole thing, but most likely by products. We have no pipeline to really sell. It is a shit company.
Most likely products / divisions will be sold off. Sales are down, pipeline is empty, employee attrition above average, minimum investment…Not an attractive company to invest in or work for.

Not true at all. It is not even been submitted to the FDA yet. The company will most likely be at the end of the deal when it I sold.
The issue with our biologic is that it’s late. How are we going to compete against Sanofi, Jansen & co? Galderma doesn’t have the skills, capabilities or money to compete with the leading biologic players.

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