im an ex DUSA rep PDT info


i am an ex rep that worked for dus selling levulan and pdt. i have recently left the company. I know that galderma is coming out in the US with Metvixia. can anyone see if if a manager or whoever would like to have my training and my sales info and all other stuff i have. i wanna screw my old company. respond to this post and i will get my info to you


i am an ex rep that worked for dus selling levulan and pdt. i have recently left the company. I know that galderma is coming out in the US with Metvixia. can anyone see if if a manager or whoever would like to have my training and my sales info and all other stuff i have. i wanna screw my old company. respond to this post and i will get my info to you

And people wonder why they are a "Ex Rep". That is the weakest post I have ever seen.

You left the company? Are you sure that's how it went down?

I'm surprised that an ethical company such as DUSA could let someone of your integrity and moral character go?

Hmmm, misspellings in your post, offering to sell proprietary information, mean spirited sound like a catch?

Hope you look good in stripes...

to the above poster i am this is a company that has no moral ethics. you have a might midget who thinks he knows sales but all he really likes to do is throw his position around and try to front to the female reps. as for the management in this company they like to promote off label. a lot that this company does is promote off label. i mean there is only so much you can do with fluorescent lights

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