I wonder if GARDASIL really works at preventing Cervical Cancer??


I wonder if GARDASIL really works at preventing Cervical Cancer??

I mean, we have the data from the clincal studies right? And those are double blinded so it is unlikely that thousands of investigators are all being paid off as part of some bizarre conspiracy thing...

But something sort of stinks with this vaccine...And judging from how deceptive/dishonest/unethical Merck is, I really wonder if this is a useful product, or just a really expensive 3 dose snakeoil scam...

Merck has shown time and time again how the lie, lie, lie...

Can we really trust Gardasil?? (I want to believe it is a good product...but Merck makes it hard to believe)


In theory, the product should work, but wouldn't bet anything on it. The fact that it's a Merck product doesn't exactly boost my confidence in it any.

i put Gardisil in the same "It Should Work" category as Zetia, which I've grown to doubt more and more as being even remotely beneficial.

Only time will tell if Gardasil and the GSK product work. Zetia though, does work....lowered my spouses cholesterol significantly after trials with statins resulted in muscle pain. Hers is a familial type of disorder and Zetia brought it from 300 to under 200 in a year....I'd say on an N of 1 that it was 100% effective.

I wonder if GARDASIL really works at preventing Cervical Cancer??

I mean, we have the data from the clincal studies right? And those are double blinded so it is unlikely that thousands of investigators are all being paid off as part of some bizarre conspiracy thing...

But something sort of stinks with this vaccine...And judging from how deceptive/dishonest/unethical Merck is, I really wonder if this is a useful product, or just a really expensive 3 dose snakeoil scam...

Merck has shown time and time again how the lie, lie, lie...

Can we really trust Gardasil?? (I want to believe it is a good product...but Merck makes it hard to believe)

Yes, unlike the 80s and before, very little about Merck seems to be good and/or believable

It's better to assume "it should work" with enough studies to show it does than to get paranoid.

Or you will wonder if that Hyzaar you are taking really will lower your risk of a MI or stroke.
Or if that Zocor pill will cause regression and lower your risks.
Or that flu vaccine you just had was a waste.

Only time will tell if Gardasil and the GSK product work. Zetia though, does work....lowered my spouses cholesterol significantly after trials with statins resulted in muscle pain. Hers is a familial type of disorder and Zetia brought it from 300 to under 200 in a year....I'd say on an N of 1 that it was 100% effective.

I'd also say that you still have no idea as to whether it's beneficial at all....or harmful, for that matter. Don't buy Merck's bullshit---changing a number doesn't prove anything. Honestly, I wouldn't take Zetia myself and I promote that garbage!

I'd also say that you still have no idea as to whether it's beneficial at all....or harmful, for that matter. Don't buy Merck's bullshit---changing a number doesn't prove anything. Honestly, I wouldn't take Zetia myself and I promote that garbage!

Many customers feel the same way about Gardasil. Always negative news or stories circulating.

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