I wish they would tell us what’s up before the new year


Don’t want to think about BM.3 through the holidays, tell us before. Why drag this out we would still work till the end of the year which is all they want from us anyway.


Don’t want to think about BM.3 through the holidays, tell us before. Why drag this out we would still work till the end of the year which is all they want from us anyway.
Take control of your life, find a better place to work, and tell Pfizer to go fuck themselves. I cannot believe the abuse and the shit people will take just because they would get a severance of 4 or 5 months worth of pay (per decade of service) if the company decides they don't need them anymore. You don't even realize it but you've been conditioned to value yourself based on what they will pay you in severance vs how much you can earn for yourself at a place where you are valued.

Take control of your life, find a better place to work, and tell Pfizer to go fuck themselves. I cannot believe the abuse and the shit people will take just because they would get a severance of 4 or 5 months worth of pay (per decade of service) if the company decides they don't need them anymore. You don't even realize it but you've been conditioned to value yourself based on what they will pay you in severance vs how much you can earn for yourself at a place where you are valued.
Very true. I’ve started looking around just in case and the salaries plus bonus at some of these other companies are crazy. I’ve realized I am underpaid.

Take control of your life, find a better place to work, and tell Pfizer to go fuck themselves. I cannot believe the abuse and the shit people will take just because they would get a severance of 4 or 5 months worth of pay (per decade of service) if the company decides they don't need them anymore. You don't even realize it but you've been conditioned to value yourself based on what they will pay you in severance vs how much you can earn for yourself at a place where you are valued.

this!!! Why do people wait on severance instead of taking a great job somewhere now? Makes zero sense

Take control of your life, find a better place to work, and tell Pfizer to go fuck themselves. I cannot believe the abuse and the shit people will take just because they would get a severance of 4 or 5 months worth of pay (per decade of service) if the company decides they don't need them anymore. You don't even realize it but you've been conditioned to value yourself based on what they will pay you in severance vs how much you can earn for yourself at a place where you are valued.

A-fucking-men! Pfuck pfizer before they fuck your…..my motto for the past 10 years.
I’m leaving for a job that is paying me a sign on bonus of 25k, +25k in salary bump. Bonus potential of 50k at plan. WTF have I been doing for the past ten years wallowing in this shitshow of a company? “ Working” two days a week was great, but I lost out on a lot of money if I had left 10 yrs ago!
Don’t be stupid, like I was. Get out while the getting is good.

A-fucking-men! Pfuck pfizer before they fuck your…..my motto for the past 10 years.
I’m leaving for a job that is paying me a sign on bonus of 25k, +25k in salary bump. Bonus potential of 50k at plan. WTF have I been doing for the past ten years wallowing in this shitshow of a company? “ Working” two days a week was great, but I lost out on a lot of money if I had left 10 yrs ago!
Don’t be stupid, like I was. Get out while the getting is good.

I echo this!

Similar situation when I left a few months ago. SO glad I did

Yes, but when do you give your notice. Wait to see if your getting laid off? Or just get the heck out ASAP?

You're not going to know anything until L atleast the end of Jan. You're new job willing to wait that long?

I guess I just don't understand waiting around to be laid off. If you got a great gig....run!