
I have a message on my voicemail from 48 Hours. There was nothing specific said, just requested that I call back. Heck why not?

Yea, I heard that the Obama administration is calling ADC reps to get their input on the new competitive bidding reimbursement price! They may also get a call from our President, wants to know if we want jobs in his administration.

You say "pfofiled" and I say "plofiled".... why can't we just all get along?

Cuz if you are going to be all OCD about things and annoy the heck out of all of us, Kevin, you should at least be accurate in your criticism. You say "plofiled" I say "pfofiled". I don't wanna get along with you because your OCDness needs much improvement. Maybe you need to stop taking your medication, after all, and learn to focus on the petty issues at hand with complete obsession. Then you will be perfect like I am.