I&I so bad new DMs are trying to bail


New DMs hired getting first hand prospective of the total dysfunction lack of leadership and strategy, are trying to bail.

First the DM in AL last 14 months and bails.Then the DM in Seattle bails after a couple months in the division. Now the Inflectra DM in IL who was hired a few months ago is posting for everything under the sun to jump--- if that doesn't tell you something .
(Of course this guys history is jumping ship a lot anyway)


Well the DMs usually have more strategic vision and foresight into what is going down and previous history of patterns so they usually are the ones to start looking early. So it is not surprising 17 of the 26 DMs posted for Gilead.

Now 100 of the 265 reps is more a surprise to me. Maybe Xeljanz reps have better vision and historical analysis than I thought.
To each their own, take care of YOU first as nobody else well.
End of the day there is no substitute for happiness and fun then when $$$ talks extra 50-100k a year then it is icing on the cake!
Good luck to all of you regardless if you jump and advise your career/net worth or if you stay.

Duh! I m just surprise they didnt bail when Vic and John left and it took the current VP to tell them in Jan to go check your market value w other companies.
That is what open the flood gates of everybody at once- a green light to find a better gig eith the VP's support.

Go to where you are Valued, Respected, & Wanted. This is when the culture is fun and rewarding to work in.
IDK but sounds like Xeljanz the worse division in the company to work for thus everyone looking for other jobs.

They hits keep coming, 2 more DMs bailed last week. That brings total Xeljanz DMs who have left in the last 6 months to 30%.
Smart DMs are bailing the sinking no pipeline ship.

Go to where you are Valued, Respected, & Wanted. This is when the culture is fun and rewarding to work in.
IDK but sounds like Xeljanz the worse division in the company to work for thus everyone looking for other jobs.
Xeljanz is a primary care 101 business model of dumping activity on the reps.
Every specialty division like Oncology requires DMs to have min of 5-10yrs of DM exp in primary care. Not Xeljanz as VP RDs just want new DMs w no exp as Yes people to follow the PC marching orders of calls freq programs and dont use brains.
So glad I jump to Oncology were our skills & expense is valued and appreciated

Heard BMS & Amgen were interviewing about 6 newer Xeljanz DMs but all had Non Competes except 1, so they had to resend offers after background checks.
But the new DMs absolutely at risk as they have not been accustomed to the downfall like exp Xeljanz reps. So they get hired or promoted & 24 months later give up hope that it can only get better & start thinking "What in the Hell did i sign up for. I had it 100x better with my previous company or as a rep" so even new Xeljanz DMs want OUT as fast as possible.

Is is that bad????
7 DMs out of 26 leaving the division in few months is only 30%.

What is more profound is what Lotz & mgt has kept from reps but nationally past year over 2 dozen reps have left the Xeljanz division.
Like 15%....
The reason is the Primary Care mindset & enviroment the VP Lotz has created that is 100% driven by marketing call activities.

Xeljanz is no longer viewed as an elite specialty division like Oncology that most Immunology companies are viewed. Actually with the water down talent hiring & PC decisions, Xeljanz is viewed lower than IM/PC.
As one IM DM told me, Xeljanz is were we boot out average reps to.

Add RDs & upper Managers to list interviewing & trying to jump ship
IDK if Beatrice Richard Lotz are bright enough to do a 50% cut but the division needs one! Probably more like 60% if truth be known that most reps only work 3-4hrs with 3 calls a day.
It is a disgrace & insulting to those hard working 40hrs plus reps who earn their worth to only have free loading counterparts.

New DMs hired getting first hand prospective of the total dysfunction lack of leadership and strategy, are trying to bail.

First the DM in AL last 14 months and bails.Then the DM in Seattle bails after a couple months in the division. Now the Inflectra DM in IL who was hired a few months ago is posting for everything under the sun to jump--- if that doesn't tell you something .
(Of course this guys history is jumping ship a lot anyway)
New, Experience, Young Old all Xeljanz DMs are trying to bail to Oncology, AM or External.
Problem is very few are getting hired cuz they are avg & have a stigma w the Xeljanz brand being just another PC division. Don't think for themselves just able to follow HQ & Marketing orders /directions.

Heard BMS & Amgen were interviewing about 6 newer Xeljanz DMs but all had Non Competes except 1, so they had to resend offers after background checks.
But the new DMs absolutely at risk as they have not been accustomed to the downfall like exp Xeljanz reps. So they get hired or promoted & 24 months later give up hope that it can only get better & start thinking "What in the Hell did i sign up for. I had it 100x better with my previous company or as a rep" so even new Xeljanz DMs want OUT as fast as possible.
Spot on! New DM here on my 4th beer & you are 100000000% correct Frankie! What the hell did i sign up for. Made more $$$ as a rep w less headaches & HQ does not want me to think. It is a joke at the top that I heard about as a rep but had not a clue how bad until I came to management. No wonder all exp DMs ahead of me are trying to go to other divisions !

Maybe things are so bad because the DBMs lack a spine and fight each other to get in line to kiss up to their RBD. The RBDs are awful and when they come up with another stupid idea all of the DBMs go "that's a great idea". If you hate being a DBM look at your leadership team. Do any of YOU stand up for what is right? Or do you all run for cover and then complain about it to each other via text?