I&I DMs interviewing to keep jobs


BioSimilar and Xeljanz DMs have to interview in front of senior leadership in April as a beginning of the first stage to downsize S2.
4 locations across the US with the big brass flying in to conduct 1 hr interviews to be forced ranked.
Heard reps where already recently ranked and will be again this Summer.
It needs to be done as I&I has way too many reps since the expansion. Reps have to make joint calls together to even get the call numbers the VP wants. Literally looking for things to do after lunch.
Also doing it this year since Pfizer lowered the severance to just 1 wk for each year or service plus 60 days. (Was 3wks in 2019).


What is your source? After a lot of headwinds as corporate calls it what would any company expect after the shit storm of a 2019. Bad news after bad news what are reps suppose to do. I guess the answer would be to cut your losses and move on. 2020 best year yet?

They are starting with the DMs first and by Jan will do the reps.
I think 28 DMs from just 8 DMs a few yrs ago and 264 reps from just 78 reps a few yrs ago.
Way too many. The orginal 78 reps could manage easily . Now reps have go in on calls together just to get 5 calls a day.
Maybe why the Pres & VP are gone now???

Why are they back filling open territories?

I dont think they are backfilling. Well most are not. Most are collapsing 2 mirrored rep territories down to 1 solo rep terr (like it was at launch ) or at worse Triad overlay. So most are downsizing by attrition.
Might be a few non business minded DMs & RDs who are backfilling & not worrying about costing reps jobs in 2021. They are either clueless or selfish just wanting squeeze sales this year & dont care about anybody but themselves short term.

Most DMs who fill unneeded territories are worried about themselves having a viable district from a headcount perspective.

Very true as they do not want to eliminate their own jobs. Just selfish & not caring for people's future. However, I ve heard of several going down reps & doing the right thing.

Dont forget after DMs do their panel interviews in front of a dozen HQ people in May, that new leadership hired a consulting group to survey, ride with, and analyze optimization of reps across the nation.

If they just offered 3wks for each year plus 90 days, i know 1/3rd of us reps would volunteer--- maybe more. Then HQ would not have to worry about downsizing and remove all the stress from 260 reps so the rest can focus on selling.
That is the smart and best way to downsize without any emotion or drama.

Dont forget after DMs do their panel interviews in front of a dozen HQ people in May, that new leadership hired a consulting group to survey, ride with, and analyze optimization of reps across the nation.

If they just offered 3wks for each year plus 90 days, i know 1/3rd of us reps would volunteer--- maybe more. Then HQ would not have to worry about downsizing and remove all the stress from 260 reps so the rest can focus on selling.
That is the smart and best way to downsize without any emotion or drama.
If they cared about the sales force, they would offer this. The sales force has put up with a lot of BS and now this!

Sad , Frustrating, Intimidating but TRUE.

Just wait until reorg consulting company hired by President & VP starts downsizing analysis evaluation riding w reps & DMs across nation this Spring.

How one of the most revered & looked upon divisions in Pfizer along with Oncology blew up worse than a Primary Care division!
All in 24 months to destroy 7yrs.

It is the European socialized way now

Unfortunately 100% True.
For a 2nd Semester downsizing or as HQ is calling is "right sizing" or cleaning up the mess from double expansion when you did not need one. Triggered typical Pfizer 2-3 yr layoffs.