I heard that Glucotrol XL relaunch is coming! We are all safe now!


Sadly, I was at that "launch". We just had district meetings with this pre-historic video link that took like one shot every 10 seconds or so - made the Apollo 11 footage look like HD.

At least that goat rope ('94 I think) was followed by a slew of good launches like Zyrtec (don't laugh, I made over $25k in bonus on that alone when we launched it), Aricept, Lipitor, Viagra, and Celebrex. The 1990s were very good to us all, but from 2000 on it's been a hot mess. Leadership, or rather the lack thereof, is what got us in this ditch. When you incentivize R&D for creating molecules w/o regard to commercial viability and you expand sales to the point where you have 13 people selling Zoloft in the same account, well, you've lost your way and are just flushing billions down the toilet.

My only regret is having passed up chances to go into biotech back around 1999. At the time Pfizer looked like the best long-term bet for a successful career. I've never been more wrong in my entire life. After enduring over $500k in losses on my options and 401k, I've watched as my colleagues, mentors, and those I've helped get hired were shown the door in the unending stream of PFE layoffs. Perhaps this will be my turn to get voted off PFE Island. It probably would serve me right for being so incredibly foolish to have stuck around sipping the Kool-Aid.

The funniest thing about the launch, was the incredible tension between the head female and her male underling, and then it was revealed that they had a signficant "relationship" going on.

Plus they kept refering to Glucotrol-XL ad G-XL and the real bih head hunchos said "it is NOT G-XL but Glucotrol-XL! We all laughed when it was revealed about their inapropriate relationship

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