I am waiting for a big bonus before i quit. But I started my new job already

Just hired in CV/Met...what are the dates when we get our bonus payouts...they just seemed to pass over that information in training...My manager said he would send me a spreadsheet or something but he never did! Anyone have that info...close dates will do!

F all of you. Abbott rips people off for bottom line, and I rip Abbott off for bottom line. How else do you think this sh*tt system works in our society.

abbott take from us in different ways every day. i sell like crazy mofo to fat nurses and arrogant docs , miss my quota. titty B sales showin her boobs and carpett= to docs she likes mandling he crotch she get to movies and promotional talkls, an easy lay and a guarrenteee of miucho business. you scratch me back i scratchyou, but your slut needs to likes our guys an our sluts muct like you guys. gggggggggGIT DIS PARRTY STRRTRD EEN HEEER. BEEEEAAAAATTCHES

abbott take from us in different ways every day. i sell like crazy mofo to fat nurses and arrogant docs , miss my quota. titty B sales showin her boobs and carpett= to docs she likes mandling he crotch she get to movies and promotional talkls, an easy lay and a guarrenteee of miucho business. you scratch me back i scratchyou, but your slut needs to likes our guys an our sluts muct like you guys. gggggggggGIT DIS PARRTY STRRTRD EEN HEEER. BEEEEAAAAATTCHES

Wow!! Guessing English is your 2nd language. The docs act arrogant because you are a complete moron.

What type of response are you hoping to get on here? You are a worthless fuck.
I lost my job at Abbott 4 1/2 months ago and have been working odd jobs to feed my 3 kids and you are worried about getting your bonus while collecting 2 pay checks? Your new employer made a huge mistake. You are unethical and disgusting. Karma's a bitch loser.

Well you were in pharma sales, so at least your qualified to deliver sandwiches. Can't be all bad.

What type of response are you hoping to get on here? You are a worthless fuck.
I lost my job at Abbott 4 1/2 months ago and have been working odd jobs to feed my 3 kids and you are worried about getting your bonus while collecting 2 pay checks? Your new employer made a huge mistake. You are unethical and disgusting. Karma's a bitch loser.

Try selling cars...

So, I see the policy for Abbott is still to hold earned bonus if you are no longer an employee on the payout date. Does anyone know if any other companies have the same policy? I have been sued by abbott for less than $2K of my $5K sign on bonus for quitting before my first year was up, yet I only earned 2 months of bonus for the 8 months I was employed by them. Silly that 4 years later they are suing me for this measly amount when they earned much more than that off of me and held out on all that bonus.

i hope no one figures it out. I will quit the minute the money is in my account. Anyone else holding out to resign? It feels like i won the lottery with all this cash coming in from 2 jobs.

Home office has figured out who you are. Consequently you will be receiving a huge boner in lieu of a bonus. It will be packed in dry ice to stop the throbbing and will be shipped FedEx overnight!

Home office has figured out who you are. Consequently you will be receiving a huge boner in lieu of a bonus. It will be packed in dry ice to stop the throbbing and will be shipped FedEx overnight!

Please, please, please include a nut sack with that boner! Thanks. A boner by itself is sort a boring.

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