Hybrid / Mandatory 3 days a week

Merck is walking a tight rope now trying desperately to backfill the revenue that will soon be lost when the Keytruda patents expire. Add in the lost productivity and turnover due to the hybrid bullshit and it's a recipe for disaster. They will need announce another mega merger like scheming plough to save their asses.

Prometheus was a total waste of money as was Acceleron. Layoffs will be announced by EOY and will continue through 2024. They even said the scorecard sucked at the last town hall!

then they should just shut down the shitty sites that aren’t being used. save some money and let people work where we want.

then they should just shut down the shitty sites that aren’t being used. save some money and let people work where we want.
They wont do that, they pumped too much money into converting these sites to open space environments that most can’t work in effectively. Now they are forcing people back on-site to show they didn’t waste money. Just read a Forbes article with emerging data from companies that take this route of mandating on-site work, expect turnover rate to spike.

Rahway is going to be shitshow...they closed several other sites, moved them all into Rahway, most;y open space...not nearly enough parking and open space not designed for full capacity...bring your popcorn!

I am dreading this return. There is not enough parking and work spaces for everyone (I don't consider a couch or a chair to be work space). I may have to bring a tent and camp out in the front of the building.

What an absolute shitshow this first day was. In Upper Gwynedd people started parking at the municipal parks. Police had to patrol around and threaten them with citations to leave. West Point was stuffed to the gills with people, not enough desks for anyone to do their jobs.

Oh, but "we're managing". Fuck you, Eliav Barr, you piece of shit.

What an absolute shitshow this first day was. In Upper Gwynedd people started parking at the municipal parks. Police had to patrol around and threaten them with citations to leave. West Point was stuffed to the gills with people, not enough desks for anyone to do their jobs.

Oh, but "we're managing". Fuck you, Eliav Barr, you piece of shit.

Upper Gwynedd was bad on Tuesday. If you were lucky enough to find parking and a workspace, the network was either slow or not working at all. But don’t worry you’ll be given more vacation time to keep you coming back, if that’s your thing.

Our whole dept got almost no work done on Tuesday, so distracting having flocks of people constantly buzzing around with half of them looking for desks.

Pretty much all of us have updated our resumes and are looking for other jobs after that. Feels like I have to get out of here fast, terrified of getting the work of 5 people on top of this harebrained RTO plan if we stay lol. Although mgmt will be like see there are parking spaces now it’s working! Idiots

had a senior mgr tell me with a straight face to go work in the cafeteria

bitch those chairs aren’t designed to be sat in for 8 hours hope someone sues them for unsafe working conditions imagine if someone had MS or an injury

fuck these entitled asshole execs who have offices and insist on us working like we’re in a motherfucking airport

What an absolute shitshow this first day was. In Upper Gwynedd people started parking at the municipal parks. Police had to patrol around and threaten them with citations to leave. West Point was stuffed to the gills with people, not enough desks for anyone to do their jobs.

Oh, but "we're managing". Fuck you, Eliav Barr, you piece of shit.

Eliav is either driven to work or takes the helicopter! Why would he care for you or the parking or a desk to work! That man never cared for anyone and you are no exception.

The computers went down in the WP cafeteria today and they were waving everyone through to leave with their lunch for free. Word got out quickly and everyone hit the cafeteria, with some going through multiple times. This cost either Merck or Flik thousands of dollars.

The computers went down in the WP cafeteria today and they were waving everyone through to leave with their lunch for free. Word got out quickly and everyone hit the cafeteria, with some going through multiple times. This cost either Merck or Flik thousands of dollars.

Amazing, milk Mother Merck for all she’s worth, the dirty greedy whore. Fuck this company, last shred of loyalty is gone.

What an absolute shitshow this first day was. In Upper Gwynedd people started parking at the municipal parks. Police had to patrol around and threaten them with citations to leave. West Point was stuffed to the gills with people, not enough desks for anyone to do their jobs.

Oh, but "we're managing". Fuck you, Eliav Barr, you piece of shit.

This company is run by morons and makes products that barely work.