How to disable GPS tracking


Airplane mode disables gps on iPads, smartphones, etc.

wrong. Wifi works while in airplane mode. It will ping local WiFi networks and provide data to any app this is tuned to ON for location services.

Go to privacy, and turn Location services off. That will prevent LS from providing the data to any apps, including the big brother apps.

So suppose AZ syncs and notices GPS in off mode or off in blocks during the day. Would this raise any flags? Even perhaps there weren't any before?

they won't want GPS on all day because of the data charges if using 3G or 4G. Turn it all off. Play don't ask don't tell. Its supposed to be a work tool, BUT, well, how do I leave work the work day if the damped thing is constantly recording its location, even when its off hours, personal time, weekends. That's invasive, inviting employer GPS tracking into your own house. No thank you.

they won't want GPS on all day because of the data charges if using 3G or 4G. Turn it all off. Play don't ask don't tell. Its supposed to be a work tool, BUT, well, how do I leave work the work day if the damped thing is constantly recording its location, even when its off hours, personal time, weekends. That's invasive, inviting employer GPS tracking into your own house. No thank you.

Here's a novel idea, do the job they pay you to do. And sadly, you are paid far more than the value you deliver.

A concerned stockholder.

Thanks, looks pretty easy! I appreciate whoever you are for posting this. Finally, know this. I will work every day like I always do. I will legitimately try and sell AstraZeneca products. Personal integrity is part of my character.

However, I don't think AstraZeneca has the right to know exactly where I am at all hours of the day. If they feel they do, then I will quit and AZ will lose a very good employee. It is as simple as that!

You guys are a bunch of yaks. So glad I am out of there. Here's one for you. Just try to turn off the location services- you will have a call from AZ within an hour asking why did you turn off your location services. "Those ipads are valuable and we have to have that feature on at all times in case they get stolen." (oh and also so we know where you are at all times) Try it if you don't believe me- It has happened to 2 of my colleagues who work for pharma companies using the ipad. Good luck everyone!

How to disable GPS tracking?

In 4 easy steps:

1. Stand firmly with both feet shoulder width apart over a solid surface

2. Raise device overhead with both arms

3. Drive the device down hard in front of you in a sweeping motion

4. As your arms reach your mid-rift step back and let go

Thanks, looks pretty easy! I appreciate whoever you are for posting this. Finally, know this. I will work every day like I always do. I will legitimately try and sell AstraZeneca products. Personal integrity is part of my character.

However, I don't think AstraZeneca has the right to know exactly where I am at all hours of the day. If they feel they do, then I will quit and AZ will lose a very good employee. It is as simple as that!

Congratulations! You've really put a chill up and down the spine of AZ management.
Losing you is about the last thing AZ ever wants to do. You are my new hero....replacing both Michelle Bachman and Lindsey Lohan. Thank you....have you ever thought of applying for sainthood?

why are you worried about the iPad tracking... at the last meeting they implanted a GPS in your ass

Right and OnStar, plus the tracking on your cell phone # -- none of that crap works. They don't know where you are. They have no right to track the car they give you to use, just like all of the UPS, FedEx, and other freight companies. If you're in their truck you're free to stop and see a hooker!

Correct answer: They don't care where you are, what your sales #s are, if you're a nice guy or a jackass, or if you can point and click without beads of sweat forming on your forehead. The company is sailing towards Niagara Falls. Lake Erie is calm.