Hospital Reps


How much do your hospital reps make? It seems like they have pretty big territories to cover. What would the salary range be for someone with more than 5 years of hospital experience?


Who the hell cares! Go sell something so corp will get off our backs! Who the fuck cares who's going to strip clubs or who's fucking getting laid! How old are you? Prob 24 with no life. You couldn't handle one day in this job without going home crying to your momma! So how bout you go sample and shut the hell up!!!

The whole hospital team by the looks of them are not getting much play but to pay for it at the strip club. Are they all over 50 or what?

Well considering they have almost 60% market share, I wouldn't be too jugemental...apparently they're doing something right that 80% of you lazy field reps aren't doing...typical...the few top reps have to carry your sorry asses.

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