Hope you guys now see performance means nothing!


Viewing the carnage, hopefully those left behind recognize performance was not a factor.

There is an algorithm that looks at demographics within Merck and determines which protected classes will be displaced in what percentages based on those demographics so that no class is adversely impacted.

Performance is not a factor. That is silly CTL speak to attempt to motivate you. I work in New Jersey and I can assure you this is not the final reorganization. Think back several years ago when we were all told by Ken Frazier that these types of changes were going to be commonplace in our industry for the foreseeable future. He was honest in that statement and our company is moving to become a specialty company and our newly formed sales force will be gone within two years.


Viewing the carnage, hopefully those left behind recognize performance was not a factor.

There is an algorithm that looks at demographics within Merck and determines which protected classes will be displaced in what percentages based on those demographics so that no class is adversely impacted.

Performance is not a factor. That is silly CTL speak to attempt to motivate you. I work in New Jersey and I can assure you this is not the final reorganization. Think back several years ago when we were all told by Ken Frazier that these types of changes were going to be commonplace in our industry for the foreseeable future. He was honest in that statement and our company is moving to become a specialty company and our newly formed sales force will be gone within two years.
It never was. Only a fool would think different. That is at any company. I never thought I am here for my skills. I am liked by the upper management and a total prick to others. Also my spelling sucks. Outside of work I am a good person. Work is what you do, not who you are. Never mix those things together. It will destroy your personal life. Dont take problems or feeling home with you. At work everyone is nothing more than a number. Nothing more than a act. Management 101
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It never was. Only a fool would think different. That is at any company. I never thought I am here for my skills. I am liked by the upper management and a total prick to others. Also my spelling sucks. Outside of work I am a good person. Work is what you do, not who you are. Never mix those things together. It will destroy your personal life. Dont take problems or feeling home with you. At work everyone is nothing more than a number. Nothing more than a act. Management 101

Dead on accurate. You do not now and never have really mattered to any pharma company. They will cut you in a layoff when they no longer need you, and sales history, etc. does not matter at all. I have watched this play out over 10 times in various companies over the years. Don't fool yourself.
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I gave up caring about the companies I work for many years ago. I use all of these companies for what I can get from them. That is all. I work, and do the job but I take care of #1 at the expense of all else. I also make sure to document any and everything these companies do from day 1 of hire if I feel it will benefit me down the road. I have zero cares for this industry other than a lucrative cash flow for my family. I drop all thoughts of the job as soon as I get home and don't do any work outside of 9 to 5, ever. I treat them they way they will treat me when I am no longer of use to them. People are stupid if they don't. Managers are no safer and shouldn't ever think they are.

Think back several years ago when we were all told by Ken Frazier that these types of changes were going to be commonplace in our industry for the foreseeable future. He was honest in that statement ....

Full realization if one did not have it before of the continual pressure on costs and infrastructure.
During one EBB it did slip out from Kellogg there would be "continuous cost improvements". I wrote that one down so as to never forget that
1. Merck is a mature company.
2. Mature companies get milked (see your Finance texts)
3. Management will squeeze everyone at various and probably multiple times.
4. Transformation will be continuous.
5. When the next CEO comes, there will be no more "old Merck". Could be merged, acquired, acquirer, anything will go. Mostly, all experienced and expensive employees will go.

Where it stops, nobody knows.

I gave up caring about the companies I work for many years ago. I use all of these companies for what I can get from them. That is all. I work, and do the job but I take care of #1 at the expense of all else. I also make sure to document any and everything these companies do from day 1 of hire if I feel it will benefit me down the road. I have zero cares for this industry other than a lucrative cash flow for my family. I drop all thoughts of the job as soon as I get home and don't do any work outside of 9 to 5, ever. I treat them they way they will treat me when I am no longer of use to them. People are stupid if they don't. Managers are no safer and shouldn't ever think they are.

Well said. You’re not alone in your philosophy. Loyalty either goes both ways or it doesn’t exist. The breakdown of American companies is due to their greed and lack of concern for nothing else. Yes, I know the bottom line is all that counts to the almighty shareholders... I’m one of them, but the greed from the very top to the very bottom is worse than ever.
As the above poster and my daddy always said, look out for yourself because no one else will. I, too, do my job as per job description, no more and no less.

It never was. Only a fool would think different. That is at any company. I never thought I am here for my skills. I am liked by the upper management and a total prick to others. Also my spelling sucks. Outside of work I am a good person. Work is what you do, not who you are. Never mix those things together. It will destroy your personal life. Dont take problems or feeling home with you. At work everyone is nothing more than a number. Nothing more than a act. Management 101
I was not slammed on spelling, grammar and attitude? I gave my opinion just like the other posts. I just know how this stupid game is played. What corporate really thinks and operates. I am one of them. It's a weakness to think otherwise. Just a show.

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