Home Office - Now What?


Putting aside the personal attacks, who else should go besides the following?

FF - gone
KG - gone
BJ -
FH -

I have only been here less than a year. Who within each department like marketing, medical, finance, COS, etc.

What leaders have stunted growth and development on products, employees, ideas, etc., caused a wall within each department? Who specifically do I need to watch for?

Now, hypothetically, say they remove the above in round #2, if they clean house, do we still have a chance to survive?


Well- BJ is now the VP for Digital Marketing and FH will be over sales AND marketing. What a disaster that will be.

Is there one Galderma product that even has a Facebook page or Twitter account other than Cetaphil? VP of digital marketing is a big title for a non-existent department. Who's idea was these promotions??

Please add JP and TF to the list. Just checking boxes like all the others that think
talent is high fiving each other and patting each others back every day, saying job well done, lets order some plaques for each other.

The above statement.... I know who you are....

Be cateful idiot! ....actual employee! what a disgrace!

Stop bitching and Grow some balls and leave... Some of this shit posted on here is bullshit perception. You dont know all the facts.

The above statement.... I know who you are....

Be cateful idiot! ....actual employee! what a disgrace!

Stop bitching and Grow some balls and leave... Some of this shit posted on here is bullshit perception. You dont know all the facts.

> Learn hot to spell and then go bring the second floor more coffee and sugars.

Thank you. PS- On your way out, please tell the boys how Awesome they are.

Is there one Galderma product that even has a Facebook page or Twitter account other than Cetaphil? VP of digital marketing is a big title for a non-existent department. Who's idea was these promotions??

Who cares! The entire Digital marketing team is a joke! Take a look of who the meetings consist of. The team that's over this entire iShit aka (idash)is a joke. We need to sell not show fucking pictures all day.

i'm waiting for Johnson to tweet what his new job is #demoted # arrogant fool # in charge of facebook page # Fray sweet talked himself into another suit # don't make me laugh # weak leaders killing this company # home office yes men milk toast # 401 k match isn't enough # i'm done