Higher is Better So Thanks Moderna


So no one is going to complain that moderna waited after the election to release the results and how hey are part of the illuminati trying to control the results of the election?

Pray tell. Show us your expertise. How is this not a major issue for distribution and storage?

Stay in your hole. It’s a big issue.
Moderna won this round.

Each distribution point in the supply chain has capable freezers. Vaccine is shipoed in renewable containors and can be stored well above temp for many days after. Most Health departments or hospitals are very capable of and allready hanldling materials at those temps. .so stfu

Each distribution point in the supply chain has capable freezers. Vaccine is shipoed in renewable containors and can be stored well above temp for many days after. Most Health departments or hospitals are very capable of and allready hanldling materials at those temps. .so stfu

Tell CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, dr. Offices that. They don’t currently have the freezers and will use Modena’s over Pfizer’s.
No it can’t be stored well above temp. That’s the problem with it, dimwit.
You need to stfu, you show your ignorance and stupidity.

You are oblivious to vaccines. Thats no big deal... back to your pill world. Logistics have already been in place. We are testing the shipping system now. All is perfect. Get on your 8 vccs and stfu

It's not a big deal to you but to Pfizer it is. In fact Pfizer is now developing a powder formulation to avoid the subarctic temperature requirements. You should speak to the CEO and tell him he is mistaken to develop a powder vaccine.

Tell CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, dr. Offices that. They don’t currently have the freezers and will use Modena’s over Pfizer’s.
No it can’t be stored well above temp. That’s the problem with it, dimwit.
You need to stfu, you show your ignorance and stupidity.

Maybe you should read 1 to 2 year rollout plan... those places will not be getting doses. Hospitals which are already capabke, military and health departments.... go to your state dept of health and read their working document for admin of first 50mill doses... it wont be in any of those places.... back to your vcc calls

Each distribution point in the supply chain has capable freezers. Vaccine is shipoed in renewable containors and can be stored well above temp for many days after. Most Health departments or hospitals are very capable of and allready hanldling materials at those temps. .so stfu
it is stable for only hours once it goes out of the -70 degree range- that will be a problem shipping and storing

Fortunately for Pfizer, they have a guaranteed market for now thanks to the US government (and the pandemic.)

If not, Moderna would eat their lunch. I think every reasonable person understands why additional storage requirements are not a "good thing." Check out this adorable article from NPR - you gotta love the M&M's versus Hershey Bars analogy! :)

Why Does Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Need To Be Kept Colder Than Antarctica?

Each distribution point in the supply chain has capable freezers. Vaccine is shipoed in renewable containors and can be stored well above temp for many days after. Most Health departments or hospitals are very capable of and allready hanldling materials at those temps. .so stfu
First, you can't spell. Second, all that may be true but point remains Moderna drug has a big advantage in shipping and storage conditions. When we are talking global distribution and millions of doses, that's a game changer genius.

It's not a big deal to you but to Pfizer it is. In fact Pfizer is now developing a powder formulation to avoid the subarctic temperature requirements. You should speak to the CEO and tell him he is mistaken to develop a powder vaccine.
You just outed yourself as a dimwit. Its not a "powder version of the vaccine" you idiot, its a freeze dried version on the of the current vaccine. More stable, longer shelf life in a freeze dried cake. You obviously are no scientist.

Wow the responses on here are a bit chilly. Moderna clearly has an edge but we will get our piece of the pie. They are both highly effective which is great, sign me up, I want one.