Hey ken, whose getting fired for this?

That is the pot calling the kettle black!

What does that mean? I always love it when someone leaves here, says how great it is, and never writes what they're doing now. In most cases the person who writes it as a miserable fuck. The person was right to feel bad for you. If you don't work here why would you post? Are you trying to prove something? Better yet, don't reply back. Nobody cares what you write anyway. Go on with your miserable existence. I feel bad for your family.

What does that mean? I always love it when someone leaves here, says how great it is, and never writes what they're doing now. In most cases the person who writes it as a miserable fuck. The person was right to feel bad for you. If you don't work here why would you post? Are you trying to prove something? Better yet, don't reply back. Nobody cares what you write anyway. Go on with your miserable existence. I feel bad for your family.

You must care very much what I post because it hits home. You are a useless piece of fecal debris.

You must care very much what I post because it hits home. You are a useless piece of fecal debris.

What hits home? You being a piece of trash? There is plenty of trash out there. You sound like you're not getting any. I guess your significant other is tired of you. Can't really blame the person. You miss Merck. I bet you used to work for SP. Did nothing for years here. They paid you money to leave. Do you understand what that means? You are so useless that the company paid you money not to show up. Now you're at a job that you hate. What do you do at your new job? I bet you have a dysfunctional childhood. Now you're taking that dysfunction and giving it to your own kids. I still work here. That's why I post. You're so empty you have to come back here even though you don't work here. Just think about that. Do you also hang out in the Merck parking lot? Do yourself a favor. Get off cp and fix yourself. Try to mend fences with your family. I feel bad for your significant other. I've bet every night he regrets ever knowing you.

Glad to help. Happy holidays. Drive fast and take chances.

What hits home? You being a piece of trash? There is plenty of trash out there. You sound like you're not getting any. I guess your significant other is tired of you. Can't really blame the person. You miss Merck. I bet you used to work for SP. Did nothing for years here. They paid you money to leave. Do you understand what that means? You are so useless that the company paid you money not to show up. Now you're at a job that you hate. What do you do at your new job? I bet you have a dysfunctional childhood. Now you're taking that dysfunction and giving it to your own kids. I still work here. That's why I post. You're so empty you have to come back here even though you don't work here. Just think about that. Do you also hang out in the Merck parking lot? Do yourself a favor. Get off cp and fix yourself. Try to mend fences with your family. I feel bad for your significant other. I've bet every night he regrets ever knowing you.

Glad to help. Happy holidays. Drive fast and take chances.

I am so above you that the concept of success could never evolve in that Neanderthal pea brain. You are so minute as to defy logic. You are where you are in life because you are a arcane misfit and DNA transmutation. Kiss your ass goodbye because your ass is on the chopping block and sorry to say you can't see it.

I am so above you that the concept of success could never evolve in that Neanderthal pea brain. You are so minute as to defy logic. You are where you are in life because you are a arcane misfit and DNA transmutation. Kiss your ass goodbye because your ass is on the chopping block and sorry to say you can't see it.

How are you successful? What do you do now that makes you successful? How are you successful in your personal life? You seem to write everything except answering questions. Do you know why you do that? Because you're not successful? You are a cesspool? You come from a long line of cesspools? You're raising the next generation of cesspools. Fix yourself. Could you answer the questions or are you ashamed. Maybe you should post that your current job.

Black ice is safe for you. Drive fast right over it. Nothing to worry about.

How are you successful? What do you do now that makes you successful? How are you successful in your personal life? You seem to write everything except answering questions. Do you know why you do that? Because you're not successful? You are a cesspool? You come from a long line of cesspools? You're raising the next generation of cesspools. Fix yourself. Could you answer the questions or are you ashamed. Maybe you should post that your current job.

Black ice is safe for you. Drive fast right over it. Nothing to worry about.

My only speed in life is full speed which has allowed me to accumulate mega bucks and stock options that you could only salivate over. I so enjoy the mentally challenged waller in the slimy underbelly of society. I can picture that group of genetic misfits sharing a one room trailer. Just another group that the producers must support.
Now be gone with you!

My only speed in life is full speed which has allowed me to accumulate mega bucks and stock options that you could only salivate over. I so enjoy the mentally challenged waller in the slimy underbelly of society. I can picture that group of genetic misfits sharing a one room trailer. Just another group that the producers must support.
Now be gone with you!

You dumb idiot. Do do understand that the reps make more money and gets more stock option? You define the word special needs. You're a straight up r*****. Why can't you write what you do now? I hope what you have isn't genetic. I feel bad for the kids.? They never had a chance. You shouldn't really post anymore. It really magnifies what kind of r***** you are.

Go lick a light socket.

My only speed in life is full speed which has allowed me to accumulate mega bucks and stock options that you could only salivate over. I so enjoy the mentally challenged waller in the slimy underbelly of society. I can picture that group of genetic misfits sharing a one room trailer. Just another group that the producers must support.
Now be gone with you!

You are the envy of all who live and breath. You seem so happy and content with your life. Really!

My only speed in life is full speed which has allowed me to accumulate mega bucks and stock options that you could only salivate over. I so enjoy the mentally challenged waller in the slimy underbelly of society. I can picture that group of genetic misfits sharing a one room trailer. Just another group that the producers must support.
Now be gone with you!

Now I understand why we had to buy a pipeline. I think you're running full speed on a treadmill. Going nowhere quick.

You dumb idiot. Do do understand that the reps make more money and gets more stock option? You define the word special needs. You're a straight up r*****. Why can't you write what you do now? I hope what you have isn't genetic. I feel bad for the kids.? They never had a chance. You shouldn't really post anymore. It really magnifies what kind of r***** you are.

Go lick a light socket.

What a verbally compromised, cerebrally challenged piece of human debris. I hope you had a miserable week of continued substandard subsistence and that you are one of the Monday's chosen few.

I hope you received the stocking full of coal from dear old Santa and today get the layoff announcement.

I actually has a great Christmas. Thanks for asking. I am still here. I haven't heard a single thing about layoffs yet. I hope you learned a valuable lesson this Christmas. That marketing/rep professionals are much more intelligent than any scientist. I use scientist for lack of a better word. You have a myopic view, therefore you can't think outside the box. Why do you think our pipeline is in shambles? Now we are not buying reps, marketing people, PR, finance or IT. We are overpaying for companies pipelines. We are doing this because of the epic failures you have provided through the years. Since you don't work here anymore. What company is now blessed to have you? Also what do you do there?

Better yet don't reply back. You are incapable of answering any question. It could be a mental thing.

I hope you had a great Christmas. A blissful one at that.

End thread. Thanks in advance.

I actually has a great Christmas. Thanks for asking. I am still here. I haven't heard a single thing about layoffs yet. I hope you learned a valuable lesson this Christmas. That marketing/rep professionals are much more intelligent than any scientist. I use scientist for lack of a better word. You have a myopic view, therefore you can't think outside the box. Why do you think our pipeline is in shambles? Now we are not buying reps, marketing people, PR, finance or IT. We are overpaying for companies pipelines. We are doing this because of the epic failures you have provided through the years. Since you don't work here anymore. What company is now blessed to have you? Also what do you do there?

Better yet don't reply back. You are incapable of answering any question. It could be a mental thing.

I hope you had a great Christmas. A blissful one at that.

End thread. Thanks in advance.

You are from Cubist because I see the same type of posts there. Don't contaminate our board please.

You are from Cubist because I see the same type of posts there. Don't contaminate our board please.

You were only a half a r***** today. Better than I expected. Since you idiots bought us because you have no pipeline, we are now one. Your crappy board is our board now. Did you look at my last post? It stated end of thread. That means don't reply. I don't want you to go back into full r***** mode. There is nothing that can happen in Massachusetts that will contaminate New Jersey. New Jersey is beyond repair as far as culture, people and attitude. I am sure you can learn a lot from us. The only question is are you willing to learn or are you capable of learning. Stop being a spec and listen.

Because you are a little slow. Merck and Cubist are the same. Merck has gotten past the tender offer. They had until January 20 to do so. Therefore it's a done deal. No one at Cubist is happy about it.

If you do come to Lexington just shower and brush your teeth at least. It's called a common courtesy that you may not know in New Jersey. You live like pigs in squalor.

Still not laid off. Nothing more than a rumor created by idiots.

Now end thread. If you don't know what that means read my post again.

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