Here We Go With MORE JOB CUTS!


AZ has over 55,000 employees worldwide with about 13,000 in the US.

Article doesn't say where the cuts will be, but probably not going to cut 3000 sales jobs from a U.S. sales force that will have about 3400 after tomorrow.

This is an expensive process and not something you want to do very often. Relax.

AZ has over 55,000 employees worldwide with about 13,000 in the US.

Article doesn't say where the cuts will be, but probably not going to cut 3000 sales jobs from a U.S. sales force that will have about 3400 after tomorrow.

This is an expensive process and not something you want to do very often. Relax.

Wow! a logical post amongst all of the gloom and doom, industry will be gone this year crap. Sick of all the fear-mongering.

AZ has over 55,000 employees worldwide with about 13,000 in the US.

Article doesn't say where the cuts will be, but probably not going to cut 3000 sales jobs from a U.S. sales force that will have about 3400 after tomorrow.

This is an expensive process and not something you want to do very often. Relax.

This will be the third time that AZ has announced major job cuts in 5 months! 400 HQ in Oct, 1150 US sales in Dec and now 3,000 in Feb - how often is not very often?!

We are gonna be cut, if not today, later in 2012. Part of Obamacare and our negotiations with him. AZ should have told the admin to go pound sand. Guess I could sell Mary kay