I always love convince me I'm wrong guy. He ranks right up there with "sky is falling guy" and "No way I'm wrong guy" or "I'm perfect and have never made a mistake guy".
So, I'm not going to try and convince you you're wrong. Because whether I convince you or not, it doesn't change what the president decides to do, my governor decides what to do, my local municipality decides to do, or what Biohaven decides to do. See the problem you have is that you probably find a hole in every story/idea/criticism, etc. you ever received. My guess is you bounced around company to company to company searching for that "rainmaker" and never found it. My guess is your kids love the fact that your tombstone should probably say "Here lies ___ and his favorite phrase is I told you so". You also probably click on the banner ads that say "100% erectile dysfunction cure" but knowing the calories you spent in that split second clicking on the banner were wasted and your own personal insecurity is causing the issue and there isn't a pill for that. But that's ok, the company asks "if you want" to turn in your rental car, feel free and do not pick up the lease vehicle and you hit the panic button. I wish you the best CL because I know who wrote this. It's you Chicken Little, isn't it?