Has Merck allowed reps back in field?


Reps are back in the field but they are lying to their managers saying doctors won’t see you in person. Managers are calling offices to see if this is true because they aren’t doing anything either. No big deal I just tell the fat woman at the window, if you want lunches tell anyone who calls you only do remote lunches. So far this has worked and the woman get to stuff their faces. This is a great job!!!

Finance employee here. I’m amazed and horrified that reps are scamming the company and making horrible comments about Merck employees. It doesn’t seem wise to brag about how you are misusing company resources.

Finance employee here. I’m amazed and horrified that reps are scamming the company and making horrible comments about Merck employees. It doesn’t seem wise to brag about how you are misusing company resources.

You're part if the deadwood. MYOB, snowflake.
All of Pharma is the same. Reps are a write- off for the company to offset the exorbitant profits they make by screwing sick people. You of all people should know that.

Finance employee here. I’m amazed and horrified that reps are scamming the company and making horrible comments about Merck employees. It doesn’t seem wise to brag about how you are misusing company resources.

Let me guess, ur gonna vote for Biden. I can assure you that 50% of reported calls are fabricated. It’s all a scam and managers play along because they need the scam to have someone to manage and keep their jobs.
Now go be a good little liberal and attempt to have equity in all the world of rainbows and puppy dogs while the rest of handle business.

Finance employee here. I’m amazed and horrified that reps are scamming the company and making horrible comments about Merck employees. It doesn’t seem wise to brag about how you are misusing company resources.

Whatever you say finance guru. What the hell are you doing??? Working from home pushing some numbers around & getting on Webex calls all day long. What’s the difference between us and you? Nothing!!! Your scamming the company just like all of your home office buddies who are working from home too.

You're part if the deadwood. MYOB, snowflake.
All of Pharma is the same. Reps are a write- off for the company to offset the exorbitant profits they make by screwing sick people. You of all people should know that.

Somebody with the guts to tell it like it truly is...

Pharma sales and the industry in general is a compete charade...

It's all just play money to them anyway...

its called corporate welfare for a reason...

Somebody with the guts to tell it like it truly is...

Pharma sales and the industry in general is a compete charade...

It's all just play money to them anyway...

its called corporate welfare for a reason...

Recently I was considering the charade of the China virus reporting system by the medical community throughout the USA. This reminded me about the criteria used by some of my fellow reps reported calls. It all makes no sense at all and is without any correlation to reality.

Reps are back in the field but they are lying to their managers saying doctors won’t see you in person. Managers are calling offices to see if this is true because they aren’t doing anything either. No big deal I just tell the fat woman at the window, if you want lunches tell anyone who calls you only do remote lunches. So far this has worked and the woman get to stuff their faces. This is a great job!!!


I’ve been Pharma napping for months. Plan to keep it up until 2021.

Finance employee here. I’m amazed and horrified that reps are scamming the company and making horrible comments about Merck employees. It doesn’t seem wise to brag about how you are misusing company resources.

So, you’re amazed that us reps are and have been scamming the company for years, huh? Too funny ! Some of us have taken the art of scamming Mother Merck to a level that is unimaginable! It’s in our DNA! We couldn’t stop if we wanted to. We can’t even entertain the thought of working an 8 hour day! Your comment about misusing company resources made me laugh so hard I almost pissed myself!

Our new normal is here to stay, and I love it!

Of Course
Merck lets us back in the field even despite high covid cases in a territory and the additional fact that our managers still arent allowed to travel for their “safety.”
I rely on the covid tracker that merck publishes weekly to
Go out into my hospitals, especially ICUs, non-vaccinated of course as I try to see my customers. Sounds super safe.

Of Course
Merck lets us back in the field even despite high covid cases in a territory and the additional fact that our managers still arent allowed to travel for their “safety.”
I rely on the covid tracker that merck publishes weekly to
Go out into my hospitals, especially ICUs, non-vaccinated of course as I try to see my customers. Sounds super safe.

If you don’t like it then leave!!!! What’s with this entitlement handout mentality! You’re getting paid nicely to do your damn job! Do it or leave!!!!

You're part if the deadwood. MYOB, snowflake.
All of Pharma is the same. Reps are a write- off for the company to offset the exorbitant profits they make by screwing sick people. You of all people should know that.

Medicines actually save the govt. money. They are only ~16 % of the healthcare budget. Hospitalizations and doc bills are the other two higher. What needs to be curbed somewhat is the comp for high level execs. Stockholders are paying 20+ MM annually for some.

My hospitals want proof of covid vaccine. Of course I don't have that since I'm too young to be eligible. See you in Sept. after my injections.
Not so easy lazy millennial. The pressure will continue to intensify to prove your productivity as compared to your peers. OCM and digital resource utilization metrics was so last year. Just imagine 2021!