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has anyone ever noticed?


have you noticed over the last three years all the away meetings managers, DSMs go on? i feel company meetings are key for team building and kool aid sharing. the reps get an afternoon in the back room of Applebees for a district meeting, if they're lucky. or cold cuts and generic cola from local grocery store.


have you noticed over the last three years all the away meetings managers, DSMs go on? i feel company meetings are key for team building and kool aid sharing. the reps get an afternoon in the back room of Applebees for a district meeting, if they're lucky. or cold cuts and generic cola from local grocery store.
Would you rather eat cold cuts in the back room of a local Applebees or cold cuts in a hotel meeting room without windows. Cheap and tacky can be found everywhere. Personally I would rather not have to fly to get there. The meetings are simply to justify the jobs of marketing, and sales leadership and throw in a few worthless managed markets meetings.
Then many DSMs tell you they are traveling so they can get in a couple of rounds of golf at home.

Back in the day we were always planning a couple of meeting a year in prime locations. Ft. Lauderdale in the winter and perhaps Boston in the summer. Inside a hotel all day then required to go on district dinners on your free night. get back at 11 and get up at 6 the next morning and do it all over again. Fun. Not to mention the flight delays when heading back home, and sometimes missing your connection and getting home sometime Saturday morning. Yep great times! The company spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for these meetings that we found were worthless. Those days are long gone.

Back in the day we were always planning a couple of meeting a year in prime locations. Ft. Lauderdale in the winter and perhaps Boston in the summer. Inside a hotel all day then required to go on district dinners on your free night. get back at 11 and get up at 6 the next morning and do it all over again. Fun. Not to mention the flight delays when heading back home, and sometimes missing your connection and getting home sometime Saturday morning. Yep great times! The company spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for these meetings that we found were worthless. Those days are long gone.

Citrix Go To Meeting once a a quarter for 90 minutes would suffice.