Guess what


To the OP......I work in Security and am most interested in where the so called walk-outs are occurring. We have nothing in the books on increased security and I don't know of anybody being walked out.

Seems to be another rabble-rouser.

I come to CP often for a good laugh, and people like you never disappoint. You come from a vantage point of zero. Seems you and your few trolls are constantly posting, replying to your posts, and trying to create havoc. Don't know if you're successful or not, but employees like you need to be escorted out the door.

Spend more time working and less time on CP posting all day long.

To the OP......I work in Security and am most interested in where the so called walk-outs are occurring. We have nothing in the books on increased security and I don't know of anybody being walked out.

Seems to be another rabble-rouser.

I come to CP often for a good laugh, and people like you never disappoint. You come from a vantage point of zero. Seems you and your few trolls are constantly posting, replying to your posts, and trying to create havoc. Don't know if you're successful or not, but employees like you need to be escorted out the door.

Spend more time working and less time on CP posting all day long.

Thanks for your qualified input, but maybe it's you that should spend less time on CP.

As for the havoc, I'd say that canning 40,000 people and abandoning our corporate HQ is havoc enough. CP is the least of Merck's problems.

Thanks for your qualified input, but maybe it's you that should spend less time on CP.

As for the havoc, I'd say that canning 40,000 people and abandoning our corporate HQ is havoc enough. CP is the least of Merck's problems.

Yeah, I guess I do come on quite a bit for a laugh during the evening hours. The idiots like you who post things that are outrageous in nature always leave me satisfied. You never fail to disappoint.

You might be right about the 40,000, but there is no increase in HR, security, or people being led out of buildings. That's the comment I was replying to, not your endless and continuous beat of the drum: "..the sky is falling...Merck KGB....layoffs," etc.

Yeah, I guess I do come on quite a bit for a laugh during the evening hours. The idiots like you who post things that are outrageous in nature always leave me satisfied. You never fail to disappoint.

You might be right about the 40,000, but there is no increase in HR, security, or people being led out of buildings. That's the comment I was replying to, not your endless and continuous beat of the drum: "..the sky is falling...Merck KGB....layoffs," etc.

"...endless and continuous…" Yes, the headcount reduction and signs of corporate withering have very much been endless and continuous. To suggest that there is something wrong with pointing that out indicates what a blathering fool you are.

Go away, you mindless idiot.