Miss Piggy . KS has no business acumen and if not exposed as a fraud soon this place is truly doomed. She should leave for multiple different reasons before she is exposed and before damning information is made public. Her wardrobe and Salvation Army taste matches her class. She would be well served to go sell used cars as is her place. She is in this horror flick as a life sucking predator that somehow found her way out of the trailer park - ”Let us promote her and put her in a position with some power.” It's difficult to outfit a pigs body but putting a throw rug over the shoulders and call it a day must be a go to in her business style sense. Wolf in sheep's clothing for that piggy. Walks like a duck, looks like a duck, sucks at business.
What is best for the team members who can help better this organization? Get out, get out now. Be whistle blowers. Stand together. Stand by and watch this place crumble. Leave in the masses and find solace in redemption that The Evil, they are the one's to go down with the ship alone.
Fellow intellectuals, physicians, and commercial business alike, this is a crisis of faith. It is a time when all of a sudden the company practice and discipline needs to look back on its own history on its self. To ask the simple questions on where it was going, where had it come from, and what’s going to happen next?
This leadership has caused a company already out of control to truly become toxic and desperate. This disillusioned mockery of management will meet their maker, may God help us all; they will go to the fiery pits of hell. Ruined a good thing and created an trustworthy reputation with questionable AP medical capabilities.