GPS tracking in company cars = firing


If corporate put GPS tracking systems in your company vehicles you all would be fired. Typical day of a rep. 10:00 get in car to start the day. Hit a few offices until lunch which starts at 11:30 (not in a Dr. Office) personal lunch time. Have two hour lunch until 1:30. Hit few offices and done for the day at 2:30.

You all are nervous because you know how easy your job is and worried if you get fired you will never have it that good again.


Your computer has a tracking device. If your DSM has a feeling you a loafer then a request is made to HR and they do the tracking to see if it is true. There is not enough manpower to track every single rep.

I do not believe this. Does anyone else?

Hopefully, you believe very little posted on cafepharma. Especially during a layoff with hundreds of upset employees on the site. This is my first time to visit this site and I would be shocked if most of these people actually work for AZ. If they do, a layoff was way overdue.

Hopefully, you believe very little posted on cafepharma. Especially during a layoff with hundreds of upset employees on the site. This is my first time to visit this site and I would be shocked if most of these people actually work for AZ. If they do, a layoff was way overdue.

Are companies seriously tracking their reps with their computer? That is outrageous! If that were actually true, I would think that someone would be using that type of information to prove that they were not involved in a murder case or something... the rep could say "How could my computer be moving down HWY XYZ ane I be placed at the scene of the crime?" The company would be required to provide that information to the court upon request.