Good bye ALEXION REPS!!!!!!


Wow...AZ will destroy your company and culture- then put most of you on the street!
Dude we bought............YOU!!!!! We didn’t get to this level because of incompetent leader, sales, organization, or products. I’m sorry you are disgruntled and a loser!!! If you are still employed by Alexion, you will be found and let go, so clean off your laptop and get your resume up to date, sounds like you need to. Bye Bye snowflake

There is no way AZ will keep our salaries. They are comparable to their VP salaries. We may be offered jobs, but not at current salaried. 25-40% reduction to bring withing sales rep salary bands.

You say that now, until you are unemployed for months and having to buy a car, pay for health ins, and can't find a job for months! Been through it, its nice to know you made great money on stocks, I did too, but remember that is untouchable money unless you are crazy and pull it out to live on, which is a good possibly in this unstable industry anymore. Just sayin......
Wishing you all the best because there are a LOT of very good Rheumatology/Neph reps out there with many years of experience selling in this market that may be jumping to take the immunolgy jobs. God bless and best of luck to all

You say that now, until you are unemployed for months and having to buy a car, pay for health ins, and can't find a job for months! Been through it, its nice to know you made great money on stocks, I did too, but remember that is untouchable money unless you are crazy and pull it out to live on, which is a good possibly in this unstable industry anymore. Just sayin......
Wishing you all the best because there are a LOT of very good Rheumatology/Neph reps out there with many years of experience selling in this market that may be jumping to take the immunolgy jobs. God bless and best of luck to all
As a sales manager for AZ its better to have a job than not, better to negotiate with and have stability. Oncology is the franchise to be in, so if you do decide to stay, bide your time and look to transfer, the culture here has changed dramatically and promotions within are a top priority. Just some friendly advice....

Renal reps at AZ make about the same. You guys ought to be fine.
Bullsh**. I make $175K salary & earned every penny. Don't even tell me a freaking AZ Renal rep makes close to that. Goodbye yearly RSU's and $50K bonus. Oh & I'm sure we'll all be driving tin can rep cars pretty soon. Yippee. I'll gladly take that severance along w 100% stock payout when we re-org next year or early 2022.

Based on what, your bunion acting up, hairs on the back of your neck, can’t get it up!! You are full of shit, so just crawl back in your dungeon and shut the *^%k up.
Awwwww, did I get the big bad meanie mad at me.........Awwwww I am so sorry. Tis the season to be jolly, happy, and thankful.. Remember dude WE bought you, so kiss our ass, get your shit together and be thankful we saved your ass. Thank you.

Bullsh**. I make $175K salary & earned every penny. Don't even tell me a freaking AZ Renal rep makes close to that. Goodbye yearly RSU's and $50K bonus. Oh & I'm sure we'll all be driving tin can rep cars pretty soon. Yippee. I'll gladly take that severance along w 100% stock payout when we re-org next year or early 2022.

won't be your choice, bud


Bullsh**. I make $175K salary & earned every penny. Don't even tell me a freaking AZ Renal rep makes close to that. Goodbye yearly RSU's and $50K bonus. Oh & I'm sure we'll all be driving tin can rep cars pretty soon. Yippee. I'll gladly take that severance along w 100% stock payout when we re-org next year or early 2022.

came from a smaller company before here...salaries ridiculously high for what most reps do. I would love to see better coverage, better pricing models and overall reasonable prices so more ppl could have access...but I don’t see anyone jumping in line saying...cut my salary to hep pts. One can always hope for common sense

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